As I was finishing up my holiday news round-up article, I stumbled across this story via Channel 5 about a Oklahoma Christian University student who's auditioning to become the next Overly Attached Girlfriend meme.
I guess she got her boyfriend some first-person shooter game for Christmas, but included with it a silly contract that will give him a good excuse to break up in a couple of months.
Via Channel 5:
An Oklahoma City native who signed a contract so he could receive his girlfriend's gift of a video game has gone viral.
Oklahoma Christian University freshman Ashley Davison wrote a contract so her boyfriend, Blake Perry, who attends Washburn University, could receive the highly anticipated video game "Call of Duty: WWII."
Here's a pic of the gift, contract and rules.
Little does she know these rules will be broken pic.twitter.com/t4WtR30ly6
— Blake (@B_perry_9) December 24, 2017
That's sweet. For centuries, men and women have had a mutual understanding / contract when it comes to giving jewelry as a gift. I guess we might as well do the same when giving video games.
According to Blake, the whole thing is a big joke:
Incase you couldn’t tell this is obviously a joke
— Blake (@B_perry_9) December 26, 2017
Yeah. That's it. The whole thing is a big joke... until he forgets to reply to a text. Don't be naïve, Blake! There's always truth to humor, and according to an independent study I conducted in my 20s, only 38% of girls make it out of this needy, controlling, triple-texting phase of life. It usually starts with a few silly rules about video games and ends with you asking permission to go to the bathroom. Tread carefully.