Yesterday afternoon, I posted my belated thoughts on the what the presidential election meant for Oklahoma. Number one on the list was speculation as to whether or not Mary Fallin would take a position in Trump's administration. The chances seem pretty high. Mary Fallin was an early Trump supporter, campaigned for the man, and Trump even said she'd make a great vice-president pick. Knowing all that, he probably wouldn't mind tabbing Mary to head up a big agency, cabinet position, or considering she has degree in hotel management, one of his failed casinos.
The Oklahoman apparently thinks Mary moving to Washington would be a great idea. They helped push the cause in yesterday's paper:
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, who went on a multistate campaign swing for Donald Trump shortly before he won the presidential election, said she would discuss joining his administration if he calls.
"Right now, I'm committed to working on a budget and preparing for the legislative session," she told The Oklahoman. "I have not talked to Mr. Trump about serving in a capacity with him.
"If he should ever call and say, 'I'd like to visit with you,' certainly I would meet with him, but I can't commit to make a decision."
Come on, Trump! What are you waiting for?! Grab that phone and tell Mary you'd like to visit! Just don't call between 7-pm - 8pm. That's when she watches Big Bang Theory reruns on Channel 25.
Seriously, wouldn't it be great if Mary left for a better job out-of-state? Outside of letting your grown daughter move her trailer onto your property, you can't get more Oklahoma than that.
Right now, Mary is saying all the right things to position herself for a top-level appointment:
[Fallin] said the Trump presidency would be good for Oklahoma's oil economy.
"I think President Trump will be great for the energy sector," she said. "He supports oil and natural gas and all of the above. He would reconsider the Keystone Pipeline.
"We have a lot of foreign oil companies that are not always friendly. If we can produce more of our own energy in America, it will be good for the economy, jobs and national security."
At present, there is an oversupply of oil and natural gas, which has driven down prices and thrown the state economy into recession.
That's interesting! I guess we can all agree now that "an oversupply of oil and natural gas" is what's "thrown the state economy into recession." That's a relief. It's good to know that Mary Fallin's poor leadership, decision-making and horrendous policy failures didn't contribute to the problem. I'd like to thank The Oklahoman for being a model of good journalism and reporting facts.
In my article from yesterday, I speculated that Fallin would be a good choice for Energy Secretery. The Oklahoman tried their best to poo-poo all over that idea:
While in the House, she served on the committee that oversees the nation's transportation infrastructure and the Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA has a huge presence in Oklahoma City, and Fallin has long been interested in the aerospace industry. She has had Gary Ridley, one of the nation's foremost experts on highway funding and construction, as an adviser.
Whether Trump's transition team knows any of that about Fallin isn't clear. However, it is the kind of experience that might lead to consideration of her as secretary of transportation.
I bet Preston Doerflinger would love for Mary to become secretary of transportation! He'd probably try to convince her to ban all speed limits. I could live with that.
Meanwhile, BuzzFeed News reported the team had put together a list of potential candidates for top jobs in the new administration. Fallin's name appears along with others for secretary of the interior.
The Interior Department includes the Bureau of Indian Affairs — Oklahoma has 38 recognized tribes and Fallin has experience negotiating with some — and also houses the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Geological Service and the National Park Service.
The department is far more involved in domestic oil and gas production than the energy department. The BLM oversees oil and gas leasing on federal land and is the agency that developed rules for fracking on U.S. government land.
The energy department has more to do with electric cars and nuclear stockpiles than drilling for fossil fuels. President Barack Obama's two energy secretaries are physicists and former President George W. Bush's last energy secretary had been director of M.I.T.'s School of Engineering Practice.
Okay, maybe The Oklahoman has a point and Mary is more qualified for an interior position (hehe), but...
A) Outside of naming Dr. Oz the next Surgeon General, do you really think Donald Trump is going to appoint anyone with a legitimate scientific background to his cabinet? Yeah right. Trump likes science about as much as Mary Fallin like long words that are difficult to read.
B) If the energy department has "more to do with electric cars and nuclear stockpiles," why did The Oklahoman publish this report in July about Harold Hamm being considered a front-runner for Energy Secretary? Although he may own a couple of nuclear weapons, something tells me Harold Hamm isn't an expert in either field.
Anyway, whether it's secretary of transportation, secretary of the interior, or just a regular old secretary, I'd like to encourage Trump – the first president to have ever walked the midway of The Oklahoma State Fair – to bring Mary Fallin back to Washington. Oklahoma is the only state where he won every county. He owes it to us.