Last Friday, Sooner Poll released a survey showing the approval ratings of Mary Fallin and the Oklahoma legislature. The results? They're about as popular in Oklahoma as Barack Obama. In case you're new around here, that's not very good.
Via The Tulsa World:
Oklahomans are more dissatisfied with their own Legislature than they are President Barack Obama, and are only slightly happier with Gov. Mary Fallin, according to a poll released late Friday.
The Democratic chief executive has consistently scored low with Oklahoma voters and is generally viewed as deeply unpopular in the state. His numbers have improved slightly in recent months, but that is not why he’s suddenly in the same ranks as Fallin and the Republican-led Legislature when it comes to public perception.
In’s statewide survey, Obama’s 36 percent favorable rating was 2 points better than the Legislature’s and only 3 points behind Fallin.
Wow. That's crazy. I thought the only things less popular in Oklahoma than Barack Obama were science, herpes and birth control. It's good to see the Oklahoma legislature finally make that list. If anyone deserves it, they do. It's the place where logic, reason and sanity goes to die. Now, if only there was a way to switch out the idiots who represents us in the legislature, maybe this state will finally become a better place to live. If you have any ideas on how to do that, let us know.
Also, I'm kind of shocked that Mary Fallin's rating has dropped into the high thirties. Outside of the botched executions, poor handling of the state budget crisis, draconian cuts to education, inaction on energy industry-sponsored earthquakes, failure to release open records, embracing Donald Trump and committing embarrassing flubs like forgetting the three branches of government and / or letting her daughter live in a trailer on the grounds of the governor's mansion, she's actually done a pretty decent job as Governor.
Here's some more info:
In’s statewide survey, Obama’s 36 percent favorable rating was 2 points better than the Legislature’s and only 3 points behind Fallin. President Bill Shapard said Fallin’s favorability rating has dropped from 55 percent early in the year, with the biggest shift among Republicans who have become disenchanted with her.
Obama is still very unpopular — nearly half those surveyed said they had “very unfavorable” opinions of him. But 35 percent held very unfavorable opinions of Fallin and 25 percent said the same of the Legislature.
In a separate question, 41 percent of those surveyed rated Fallin’s leadership skills “poor,” while only 8.5 percent — including only 11 percent of Republicans — said they were “excellent.”
Wow. 8.5% said Mary Fallin's leadership skills were excellent? Uhm, did Sooner Poll exclusively survey Mary Fallin's family and cabinet for this poll? That's about 8.4% too high.
Anyway, you can view the rest of the results here. Naturally, Oklahomans are still big fans of the pair of theocrats who represent us in the US Senate. Also, the next time Sooner Poll conducts a survey like this, can they get the favorability rating of Oklahoma voters? We are the idiots who elect these unpopular buffoons.