Kelly Ogle is celebrating his 25th Anniversary with KWTV News 9. Yep, 25 years. It's hard to believe, especially when you consider My Two Cents has never adjusted once for inflation...
Haha! I'll be here all week!
We know Kelly is celebrating his anniversary thanks to this circle jerk of a tribute Channel 9 put together to remember and honor Kelly's kindness to all living things. Yep, in case you didn't know, Kelly Ogle is one kind dude. In his Viking homeland, they call him Kelly the Kindhearted. Whether he's at the nursing home helping a little old lady change a lightbulb or in the News 9 men's room helping change Dean Blevins' diaper, he's always eager to help and does so with a smile on his face.
Here's the transcript to a News 9 infomercial about the anniversary:
This week, Kelly Ogle is celebrating 25 years here at News 9.
Kelly is a lifelong Oklahoman who has dedicated his life to serving the people of our state.
He's been there bringing you coverage of all the big events.
At this point, I seriously wondered if Kelly Ogle was about to announce he is running for mayor of Edmond.
But what you probably don't know about this guy is just how big his heart is.
Kelly is one of the best. In honor of his 25 years at News 9, we're asking Oklahomans to follow his lead with a random act of kindness of your own
That's sweet. As our sometimes writer Tony occasionally says, nothing says "random act of kindness" like being told by a tv station to do it. Anything else?
When you do it, take a quick picture and post it on social media using the hashtag #ThanksBub. We'll highlight a few of them on the air throughout the next couple weeks.
And head to to see congratulations messages from well-known Oklahomans and Kelly's co-workers.
Remember: Share a photo of a random act of kindness performed by you or you received. Email it to with ThanksBub as the subject, or post it to social media using the hashtag #ThanksBub.
Uhm, what? #ThanksBub??? That sounds like something two truck drivers would say to each other when leaving a rest area bathroom.
"That was fun."
"Thanks, Bub."
Seriously, this whole thing is awkward. News 9 is really celebrating Kevin Ogle's 25-year anniversary by encouraging followers on social media to kiss his ass? That's almost as bad as favoriting your own tweet. Did News 9 not learn anything from Nike and Kevin Durant? Nice stopped being cool years ago. Being a selfish sarcastic asshole is all the rage.
Also, how will Kent and Kevin handle all this? They can't be happy. As the most successful sibling in my family, I'm often the target of my brothers' jealousy. Kelly better hope Kevin and Kent don't get pissed and write an unauthorized biography where they expose Kelly's not so kind days like the time he spit on little blind orphans from the upper levels of Penn Square Mall and tricked them into thinking it's raining. Trust me. It's awkward when your brothers accuse you of shit like that.
Although the self-congratulatory pandering is a bit too much, News 9 did get one thing right. Kelly Ogle is a really nice guy. In fact, we've been recipients of Kelly's kindness. Back in 2009, we interviewed him as part of some birthday celebrations. It's one of the better TLO Q&As we've done. He answered some weird questions, and unlike most people, actually had fun with hit. Thanks for that...Bub. Here's to another 25 years.