Back in April, Mary Fallin issued a Governor's Commendation (pictured above) to the Oklahoma Federation of Republican Women. In it, she praised the group for their "dedicated hours of service in educating citizens on important policy" and "reliability in gathering community sentiment on important issues." It's easy to see why the group received such high praise from Mrs. Fallin when posts like this appear on Facebook...
That's great. I bet when Mary saw that inspiring meme she yelled for Christina to come up from the trailer and show her how to like it on Facebook:
"Christina!!! You get up here and teach your momma how to use this new-fangled phone!"
"Mom! Figure it out yourself! I'm busy writing a song about Marfa!"
"Hipster Boo Boo, you get up here now and help your momma or I'll cut off your electricity!"
Okay, I'm just joking around. I doubt Mary Fallin even has a Facebook.
Anyway, when I first saw that post I laughed. I didn't laugh because it was funny. I laughed because I couldn't believe someone was stupid and ignorant enough to actually post something like that in a public forum.
Seriously, I know Social Media Bandits aren't the smartest lot, but that's nuts. You think the Democratic party is trying to control African-Americans through welfare, and then tried to prove this point by connecting century-old conservative southern Democrats who were behind the KKK and lynchings to modern democrats who support public assistance to lower-income minorities in need of food, shelter and healthcare? How could posting that message on Facebook seem like a good idea? I know it's how you feel and everything, but you need to keep that insensitive, probably racist bullshit to yourself. It makes us all look bad. It's embarrassing!
The post was online for a couple of hours before Pam Pollard, the president of the Oklahoma Federation of Republican Women, apologized and threw someone under the bus:
The president of the Oklahoma Federation of Republican Women continued Wednesday evening to try to distance the group from a Facebook post on the group's page that showed a black person hanging from a tree.
"I offer my personal apologies and look forward to posting many interesting educational stories in the future," Pam Pollard's message said, in part.
Pollard said she had tracked down the source of the message and removed that person's privileges on the group's page...
Earlier Wednesday, Pollard said the post was on the group's Facebook page for about two hours. She said she found the post repugnant and removed it after learning of it.
Yep, good old Pam Pollard found the post repugnant and removed it. On the topic of repugnant, check out this Facebook comment Pam left in 2014 where she muses about a utopian paradise where public schools are abolished and mothers stay home and teach their children from the Bible while the men work all day and provide for the family...
And we wonder why Republicans have such a low approval ratings, especially with women. Hell, even their women's groups are anti-woman.