We crowned a new Miss Oklahoma!
The lucky lady is Georgia Frazier. She's an ORU graduate. Her hobbies include singing, walking in heels and teeth whitening. She's also the daughter of George Frazier, a former MLB reliever from Oklahoma City who is the color announcer for the Colorado Rockies, so her family has lots of money.
Here are the details via The Tulsa World:
ORU graduate Georgia Frazier is crowned as Miss Oklahoma 2015
Georgia Frazier, competing as Miss Ada, was crowned Miss Oklahoma 2015 at Oral Roberts University’s Mabee Center Saturday night.
Frazier graduated from Oral Roberts University in 2014 and now works in marketing at Celebrity Attractions in Tulsa.
“I have competed in this pageant organization for five years now, and this is just very exciting and so rewarding,” Frazier, 23, said after being crowned.
Frazier won the swimsuit competition on the first night of the preliminary competition. For her talent, she sang “Happy Days Are Here Again.”
That's nice and sweet and everything, but what the Tulsa World article missed is Georgia's victory has apparently divided the Oklahoma pageant community and caused a bit of controversy. I've heard from some Moles who claim the wrong girl won. They say Georgia's win was the result of pageant politics and she has absolutely no chance at taking home the Miss America crown. However, other Moles have told me the exact opposite. They claim Georgia is amazing, talented and one of the Miss America frontrunners. They chalk up the criticism to jealous haters being jealous haters.
So, which side is right? I have no clue, and doubt I ever will because that would require me to care about beauty pageant politics. Wouldn't that be awful? No disrespect to these women who don't eat for three weeks to fit into an evening gown and swimsuit, but there are more important things for me to worry about than why or how some pretty woman is deemed better than some other pretty woman.
That being said, photos from beauty pageants are kind of cool. Fortunately for us, Miss Oklahoma has a ton of them posted to her Facebook page. Most of them are of Georgia and her fellow contestants trying to trick us into thinking they eat food like this...

Or this...

Or this...

Or this...

Or even this...

Notice a common theme in these photos? That would be the food never technically touches their mouths. Seriously, quit trying to fool us, pageant girls! We know you're miserable and hungry all the time, and the only thing you put in your mouth when competing in a pageant is a finger or Crest Whitening Strip.
Anyway, here are some more pics...

Whether she deserves the crown or not, we wish Georgia the best of luck in the Miss America pageant this fall in Atlantic City. Win one for the Ogle! Go Oklahoma!!!