Last Thursday, Oklahoma City's finest juvenile delinquents were featured on the new season of "Beyond Scared Straight."
If you're not familiar with the show, the gist is pretty simple and formulaic. They take troubled, at risk, belligerent teens, and then put them in pretend jail for a day. While there, everyone from the jailers to the inmates to the janitors try to intimidate, humiliate and "scare strait" the kids by yelling at them, and forcing them to exercise, do chores and eat jail food. At the end of the episode, the kids then go back to a room with their families, have a temporary epiphany, talk about how they learned their lesson, and then everyone gets all emotional and cries before the kids go out and cause trouble again.
Sounds enjoyable, huh? I would say it's literally the dumbest thing I've ever seen, but I watched Bob Stoops elect to re-punt the ball to Tyreek Hill in a football game over the weekend, so that would be a lie.
Anyway, check it out after the jump. It does have one redeemable scene where wannabe juggalo sisters are forced to smear clown paint all over their face. I think we've all wanted to watch someone to do that.
Pretty annoying, huh? There's nothing quite like watching adults yell at belligerent teenage know-it-alls for an hour. If I really wanted to see that, I would just re-live memories from my childhood.
Seriously, that was just brutal. How long did it take before you started frantically hitting the volume down button on your laptop, took an Excedrin and then called your doctor to schedule a vasectomy or request a new form of birth control? It makes me wonder if the producers are trying to scare these kids into becoming good people, or scare good people into never having kids. I don't know the answer, but it sure scared me away from ever turning on A&E again.
Anyway, this isn't the first time the show has filmed in Oklahoma City. They were here in Season 4, too. If you're into self-inflicted pain, check it out.