"Will work for Fiat."
That's a new panhandling sign you're likely to spot on a street corner near you.
By now, you've surely seen or heard about the viral video of some angry Oklahoma City man scolding and threatening a grandma panhandler who is probably named Blanche after he learned the woman drove a new Fiat. Yep, a Fiat. I guess her Gio broke down or something.
Since last week, the video has received nearly 3,000,000 views on Facebook. It was filmed and posted by someone named Brandi Newman. Apparently, Brandi gave some money to Blanche earlier in the week in northwest Oklahoma City. When Brandi noticed Blanche getting into a Fiat at a nearby gas station a few days later, she decided to film it because nothing is more satisfying than showing your ignorance to the panhandling con. Then, in what can only be considered a weird coincidence and not a carefully planned and calculated Nathan Fielder stunt, some angry dude who was also duped confronted Blanche in the gas station parking lot.
Here's the video:
First of all, I don't blame the guy – his name is Daniel Ayala – for being upset. I'd be angry too if I learned a panhandler lied about needing food, and then used the money I handed to them on a street corner to buy a Fiat instead. That's far worse than spending it on cigarettes, crack and cheap whiskey like most other panhandlers, right?
That being said, why was Daniel giving his lunch and gas money to a panhandler? Does he also buy magazines from the 27-year-old "student" looking to pay for his "class trip to Europe." I assumed it was common knowledge that most panhandlers out there are not homeless. In fact, I've heard that most have homes and are simply lazy, out-of-work Berry Tramel impersonators.
Because they like to get to the bottom of the important stories, Channel 9 actually hunted down and taunted the 78-year-old lady, who – friendly reminder – stands at street corners begging for money. What could go wrong with that...
Oh, what sad times are these when passing cameramen can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. I am Patrick. Patrick the blogger.
Anyway, instead of yelling threats at desperate, sad old ladies maybe Daniel Ayala should take a hint and become a panhandler himself. It would make sense. He wouldn't have to work two jobs, he would have more money to give to other panhandlers, and he'd be able to live the American dream and drive a Fiat. Why work hard for a low wage when there are stupid people out there that will give you money when you stand on a street corner holding a sign?