Fox News always likes to criticize and ridicule the retails outlets, organizations, parades, politicians and just about everything else that attempts to take the Christ out of Christmas and replace it with Happy Holidays. Since that's the case, expect the Fallin family's 2013 Holiday Card to make a broadcast soon:

Wow. Isn't this some sort of breaking news? Out of all the governors in this country, you'd think the one who runs on a campaign of "faith, family and freedom" would be the last to give in to political holiday correctness. Also, Christina Fallin ditched the pink hair and Mary Fallin isn't wearing tights with open toes shoes. There's way too much stuff going on in one Christmas, err, holiday card.
Anyway, just like our Governor, we at TLO would like to wish you a Merry Christmas happy holidays. Internet traffic falls off the map during the week of Christmas and New Year's Eve/Day, and we're going to go away with it. We'll still post our 2013 Year in Review stuff and be on call if something major breaks, but otherwise, we'll be spending time with our annoying families just like you. Have a Merry Christmas, Moles.
(p.s. - Inside of the card above is located after the jump)

h/t – Ogle Mole Network