Hello everyone, it's time again for Monday Morning Tweets!
If you are anything like me, your Twitter feed this week looked something like this:
Pope joke
South by Southwest Reference
Pope joke
South by Southwest Reference
Pope joke
South by Southwest Reference
Someone bitching about Skip Bayless
South by Southwest Reference
Pope joke
South by Southwest Reference
Yes, it was quite a week on Twitter. Everyone on earth is either apparently an expert on the papacy or in Austin having fun without us. Or both. Well, there were apparently a few tweets that didn't have to do with one of those topics, and I've put them in this post.
Find them after the jump.
Lol ERNNNNNNNNN!!!! RT @JHarden13: Suuuuupppp ERN!!? LOL @russwest44 RT @kevinlove: @JHarden13 SUP ERN!!??!?
— Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) March 15, 2013
Whenever I happen to be in a conversation that somehow steers to the subject of Twitter, there will inevitably be one person who indignantly says that they are not on Twitter and they will never be on Twitter, and then they helpfully point out that they "don't care what you had for lunch today." For some reason, this is the go-to statement for anyone who isn't on Twitter. Nothing makes my eyes glaze over quicker. If someone thinks Twitter is about what people had for lunch, that is a surefire sign that they have no idea what they are talking about.
You know what does suck about Twitter, though? Following athletes. Is anyone at all entertained or informed by something like the above exchange between Russell Westbrook, James Harden and Kevin Love? Professional athletes are super awesome at being professional athletes, but they are pretty boring in real life. I can count on probably two hands the number that are worth spending any time following on Twitter.
What the fuck!? I take it all back! Give me Russell Westbrook's inside jokes any day of the week over a month's worth of nightmares.
My top 3 hardest-to-wrap-my-head-around celebrity ages.
3. Seth Green is 37 years old
2. Jonathan Taylor Thomas is 31 years old
1. Jennifer Tilly is 54 years old
So tomorrow I take off work. It's "Dad's Day." My 6 year old son gets so flippin' excited. Good times.
— Daniel Gordon (@DanGordon) March 14, 2013
Wait, so the Dan Gordon we've seen on Twitter is actually a guy that's been working all day!? I thought he just spent all day on his phone engaging with readers about completely random questions.
When is the last time you've been to the library?
— Daniel Gordon (@DanGordon) March 15, 2013
From a scale of 1- 10, 10 being the highest, how important is @linkedin to your daily life?
— Daniel Gordon (@DanGordon) March 15, 2013
if you could meet one person before you die and spend one day together, who would it be & why?
— Daniel Gordon (@DanGordon) March 15, 2013
It's all worth it, though. Nothing gives Dan Gordon more pleasure than when you re-tweet him. Sooooooo inspiring!
You know I'm always honored, amazed, proud, & incredibly excited when you Retweet me. It's simply inspiring & I'm always truly humbled.
— Daniel Gordon (@DanGordon) March 17, 2013
Oh yeah! How we roll in Slick! #lovesmalltownok pic.twitter.com/KFPhkv0XoU
— Lacey Swope (@LaceySwope) March 16, 2013
Like any Okie who has grown up watching weather radar on the local news, I pride myself on knowing all the little tiny towns and specks on the map. But I have to say Slick is one that I wasn't familiar with. I didn't even think it was a real town when I saw this tweet. But silly me, they've got both a wikipedia page and their own fire department. Boy, the egg is on my face...
This week we searched for the words "Oklahoma" and "ugly" on Twitter. These people are all class:

Awkward Twitter Conversations With Linda Cavanaugh
Amazing to see it. A reminder that we're part of a much larger universe.//@DavidNWallis: missing the comet...storm spotter training
— Linda Cavanaugh (@linda4news) March 13, 2013
I was @ SW44 & May.//@MikeBrooksOKC: Linda, we can't see it from Fox 25.You must have a better vantage point over there at 4! Snap a pic!
— Linda Cavanaugh (@linda4news) March 13, 2013
Nothing like responding to a throwaway light-hearted line with a completely serious response to shut down an entire conversation, Linda! If this conversation had been in person, Mike Brooks would have just had to say "Oh" with a blank face and then stand around weirdly and silently before shuffling off back to work.
Oh... God... Abigail Ogle Really Is Going To Run This Town Someday, Isn't She?
That awkward moment when you walk into a party and someone asks you if you'll call and invite @JRsBBQ lol
— Abigail Ogle (@KOCOAbigail) March 15, 2013
Yes, who among us hasn't had this problem! With just a little more seasoning, Abigail Ogle will have the seasoning and overall "Ogle-ness" to know how to handle this situation.
The Dean Blevins Memorial Tweet(s) of the Week
A double-dose of Deano today, since I couldn't decide which tweet of these tweets to go with. In their own ways, they are both classic Deano.
Day off but out the door to intrvw Theisman. Cut thumb on razor blade. Them slowed at McDonalds by grumpy raisin in a clown suit. #Mornin
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) March 15, 2013
#Spurs and #Heat finding ways to win losable games. Sign of greatness. #Thunder have to hump it to keep up with those studs.
— Dean Blevins (@DeanBlevins) March 15, 2013
What's better, readers? Absurdist Deano or Bizarre Choice of Language Deano?
That's all for this week. Follow me on Twitter here. Good bye!