Welcome back to the Friday Mailbag. We do not have a sponsor this week, so there are no prizes to give away. However, we do have some peculiar emails to share. We'll get to those in a sec.
Now that football season has started I'm going to go back to posting random music videos. The one above is the new single by Animal Collective. They are one of my favorite bands and I just bought tickets to their upcoming show in Dallas, but their new album is disappointing. It's not that it's a bad album or anything. In fact, I've been listening to it quite a bit. It's just inferior to their earlier stuff. It lacks the layered, grow on you, addictive as hell, surprisingly catchy songs that their previous three LPs had (example 1, example 2, example 3). It's like listening to the soundtrack of a circus on LSD...or something like that.
To the emails:
Jennifer asks:
Are you guys having the State Fair photo contest again?
That's kind of like asking a 21-year-old girl at Edna's if she's going to throw up after drinking five lunch boxes. Of course we are! Seriously, the Lost Ogle not having an Oklahoma State Fair Photo contest would be like The Pioneer Woman not over-photoshopping her pictures and killing her bassett hound.
We'll announce all the details on Monday, but this will be our sixth State Fair Photo contest. Kind of hard to believe, isn't it? That's a lot of depressing photos of mullets, rascal scooters and despair to sort through each year.
Bill writes:
Though she pledged to "Work For Oklahoma" and "Take On DC" among her various Tea Party talking points, can you please explain WTF Mary Fallin is doing on the floor of the Democratic National Convention (other than, you know, continuing her successful career as a political ass-kisser)? Granted, if she had Sally Kern and James Lankford along, I'm sure she could have scared the beejeezus out of some of those unsuspecting Dems but, beyond that, I'm at a loss to explain where this falls in her job description as Governor...
In all honesty, I didn't even know Mary Fallin was at the DNC until you mentioned it in the email. This is because I don't really pay attention to either convention, because they are nothing but pomp and circumstance.
That being said, the Oklahoman published an article in Wednesday's paper about the visit. I'll just quote a couple of people from it. They sum up my thoughts pretty well:
Wallace Collins, chairman of the Oklahoma Democratic Party, said, “I personally think she ought to be back in Oklahoma earning her salary.” ...
Anna Langthorn, an alternate delegate here from Edmond, expressed little concern about Fallin's impact.
“I don't think Mary Fallin is a strong voice for the Republican Party,” Langthorn said. “I feel like she's fed talking points and she repeats them willingly without question.”
Sue writes:
This is for Jim Gardner....
Jim I e-mailed you while you were still at ch. 4 and told you I would miss you. You were so good to answer me back.I have been watching for you and am so happy to see that you are still in my watching area. I'm happy for you and so glad to be able to see you because your the best.
If you ever wondered why you still receive emails from a Nigerian Prince asking for your checking account information, remember that people still send us emails thinking that they are contacting an Ogle Brother or helicopter pilot. Basically, there are some not so smart, easy to manipulate people out there on the internet. I should have asked Sue to donate to Save Jim Gardner Memorial Fund.
Also, at least we haven't received an email from someone trying to reach a dead person like Ranger Roger or Barry Switzer's liver. Those emails would be weirder than this...
CJ writes:
In the last two months , I have been on the road for five weeks .But yet I know there was a problem . Just watch news 45 and you could Joe Gumm has be missing. Please in true Oklahoma Fashion you close you eyes. I live in Edmond , very nice area and nice people. But that does not mean thier is no problems in Oklahoma City ( crime , Drugs, etc. ) . But i quess people who have chioldren in Edmond North are finding that out .
Or this...
Mark writes:
Maybe you can help, Google sent me to your site and I can't seem to find what I am looking for.
As you may know Karen Silkwood was killed in a car accident on OK ST HWY 74 about 7 miles south of Cimarron City, OK and about 1 mile south of ST Hwy 74 and St Hwy 33 Intersection, I am trying to find out what hospital she was taken to after the OK Highway Patrol responded to the accident site. I was told that it was the old Logan Memorial Hospital in Guthrie, OK, but I can not seem to find the answer anywhere. It is vital to my research, that I find the truth on this, I can't just use that without proof.
Thank You very much for your help. It is well appreciated.
Or better yet, this...
Alex writes:
Ok...Lunchtime at work today a few of us stumbled upon a GREAT idea! Picture a sort of flash mob of men kissing each other directly in front of the live Sports Animal Booth at Asp and Boyd in Norman on a game day. Traber's head might explode! Jim live on air while witness to this ungodly atrocity! It could be a great story and a picture(imagine his face in the background with two dudes kissing in the foreground!!!!! The reason we come to you is that we don't have any gay friends who would be willing to subject themselves to this and we couldn't get it deservingly publicized. But with your mega high profile in the okc underworld and upper echelon media credentials you could get the job done!!!!!!! My buddies and I will of course be on hand to hurl insults at Jim to make it even more the spectacle. Please don't pass this one up!
You know how Bill Simmons ends each mailbag with a "these are my readers" comment. Well, these are our readers.
p.s. - For the next week, I think we may end all of our posts with random pics from previous State Fair Photo Contests.