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Victory! We finally beat The Pioneer Woman!!!

Earlier today, the Oklahoma Gazette announced the results for their 2012 "Best of OKC" competition. Check out the results for "Best Website." To us, they were kind of historic:

Okay, ignore for a second that the winning website was a gimmicky coupon card ran by a couple of dudes who cheat a dodgeball and pee sitting down. According to my Moles at the Gazette, their inclusion in this category was the result of blatant ballot stuffing. Seriously, outside of the owners or the businesses who profit from selling the Keep It Local card, who would actually list as their favorite website? Is there some dude in the Village who checks it out each morning as part of daily routine? I doubt it.

All of that being said, at least we finally beat The Pioneer Women at something. For those who have followed this site for a while, we've always played the role of Mike Gundy to The Pioneer Woman's Bob Stoops. In the early days, we'd always be up against her in the Oklahoma Blog Awards (even we think that's dorky), and each time she and her army of mommy bloggers would thoroughly destroy us. It feels good to finally beat her at something. And it feels even better that we did it the right way. Unlike Mike Gundy and his Cowboys, let's hope it's something we'll be able to do on a consistent basis.

Anyway, this is probably a good time to let you know that we're still accepting nominations for our 2012 "Worst of OKC." It's a lot like the "Best of OKC," only it's more reliable and accurate because you don't have fledgling businesses stuffing the ballot box, rigging the votes and buying advertisements from us. If you'd like to nominate anyone for any of these year's categories, do it after the jump:

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