I've tried writing about five different fluffy introductions to this post and have failed miserably. Instead, I'm just going to be up front and direct. We need your help. Here's why:
1. About a month ago, we were contacted by Guinness (the beer). They are trying to set a Guinness (the book) world record and throw the world's largest St. Patrick's Day Celebration...ever. For the record to count, they need as many people as possible to visit Guinness.com and take the "pledge" to celebrate with them on St. Patrick's Day.
2. Because the people at Guinness are smart, they are partnering with an obscure local social blog in each state and asking them to help spread the word about the party. Because they are really smart, they asked The Lost Ogle to be that blog for Oklahoma. Apparently the Pioneer Woman turned them down.
3. Since we like Guinness and girls and Guinness and sports and Guinness and midgets dressed up like dainty leprechauns, we totally agreed to help them out. Plus, we get a bad ass prize if enough of you readers, moles, enemies and allies agree.
So here's what we need you to do. If you want to be part of an official world record (or you just want to help us out), go to Guinness.com right now and click the "join the party" button. Give them your name, country, zip and the promo code Ogle. It's that simple. And since you don't have to give them your email or anything, you don't have to worry about email spam or some drunk Irishman calling you at 3am and asking to fight.
Anyway, we'd like to thank Guinness for partnering with us here in the Sooner state. My name is Patrick, so it shouldn't surprise you that I'm half Irish and that Guinness is seriously one of my favorite beers. If you're smart like me, you'll mix it with Bass or Harp for a Black n' Tan or shoot it with Jameson and Bailey's for an Irish Car Bomb shot. You'll also be smart and drink responsibly.
Also, we'd like to thank you for helping with this! If we get enough Ogle Moles to click the link and take the pledge, we'll have a chance to win a really cool prize. It's a prize so cool that it may allow us to recreate the famed Mary Fallin and Matt Bacon wedding in amazingly accurate detail (hint hint). More on that to come.