This may be a "watch what you wish for" statement, but I sometimes wish our state got a little more attention during the presidential primary season. It would be cool to see the candidates in person and hear their cliché stump speeches on important issues like the economy and foreign policy. It would also be fun to watch them stop by the Chuck House to meet with the regular folk or flirt with Mary Fallin.
Unfortunately, though, that will never happen. Oklahoma is a small state and our primary is part of the crowded Super Tuesday field. That means few serious candidates stop by to see us, and when they do it's usually just for a quick fundraiser, or in Herman Cain's place, to flirt with Mary Fallin.
From News 9:
The Oklahoma Republican Party says GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain is scheduled to visit the state for a fundraiser on Dec. 5.
Party Chairman Matt Pinnell says Cain will attend a private fundraiser earlier in the day and then join the Oklahoma GOP for a rally and a fundraiser at 6:30 p.m. at the Oklahoma City Marriot.
Pinnell says the invitation is not an endorsement of Cain, and that similar invitations have been extended to all of the GOP presidential candidates. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney visited Oklahoma last month.
There's no way I'd ever vote for this guy, but I totally want to go to this thing. Who knows what he'll say (or won't say), but I'm sure it will be entertaining and painful to watch. You know, kind of like one of those weird shows on KSBI Channel 52.
Also, it will be kind of cool to watch a bunch of white Oklahoman Republicans from Edmond cheer for a black guy on a stage. The only time they usually do that is at the Jim Thorpe Award Banquet. I bet he yells "Lets get Frackin'" to get everyone fired up and then flirts with Mary Fallin.