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Worst of OKC: Worst Intersection

Oops. It looks like this post published earlier today with no options to vote. That's because I forgot to update the post last night. I guess that's what happens when you drink too much.

Anyway, since I don't feel like writing blurbs about some of our town's annoying intersections this morning while nursing a slight headache, we're going to keep this one simple. Here are the nominees for "Worst Intersection." Vote for the one you hate the most after the jump.

• E 33rd and S. Broadway (Edmond)

• NW 63rd and N. Western

• W. Memorial Rd. and N. Pennsylvania

• Northwest Expressway and N. Pennsylvania

• S. Meridian and Highline Ave.

p.s. - I said I didn't feel like writing blurbs, but that last one may need to be explained. This is the weird intersection just a block or two south of I-40 on Meridian. There's a Sheplers and Motel 6 there, as well as about a thousand cars or so backed up in traffic throughout the day. This is because the person who designed that weird intersection did heavy drugs.

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