As we discussed yesterday, the deadCENTER Film Festival takes place this week. In general, the festival is pretty cool and fun, but we noticed that there seems to be a lack of Oklahoma star power.
In effort to get movies with more of a local collection of A-list talent, Tony and I came up with a list of Oklahoma-themed movies (starring Oklahomans) that we'd like to see at next year's deadCENTER. Who knows, maybe some aspiring young filmmaker will use our ideas and get a movie submitted. That would be cool because then we could sue them.
Anyway, the first few ideas are below, the rest are after the jump:
1. When Mary Met Sally
Starring: Mary Fallin, Sally Kern
Plot: Mary Fallin and Sally Kern have known each other for years, and are very good friends, but they fear sex would ruin the relationship. Because homosexuality is destroying America.
2. Boomers
Starring: Berry Tramel
Plot: They told him no one wanted the local sports franchise to have a new nickname. He set out to prove them wrong, newspaper column after newspaper column.
Starring: Steve Lackmeyer
Plot: How one man's life spirals out of control when he realizes the buildings he loves don't love him back.
4. A Nightmare On Jenkins Avenue
Starring: Lon Kruger, Sherri Coale, the OU Twirler Girl (for the standard B-movie nude scene).
Plot: The University of Oklahoma doesn't know what it's getting into when it hires Freddy Krueger's long-lost brother, Lon, to coach their basketball team. Chaos ensues when the mild-mannered man thought to be a coach turns out to in reality be a murderer who kills those who dream of OU basketball success.
4. Weekend At Jim's II
Starring: Rick From Duncan, Driver, Running Girl, Cardboard Jim
Plot: Jim Traber won't hang out with them, but when Rick From Duncan and Driver discover a cardboard cutout of their hero, they pretend he's real and party all night long.
5. Rush Springs of Desire
Starring: Joleen Chaney
Plot: The erotic journey of an innocent small town girl who does whatever it takes to make it as a news reporter in Oklahoma City.
6. Tall Paul was Here
Starring: Blake Shelton and Greyson Chance
Plot: A lonely, soft-spoken child (Chance) wishes to life a crooning cartoon cowboy pitchman (voiced by Blake Shelton) as a singing buddy.
7. Grinders 187
Starring: Val Caster and David Payne
Plot: Two rival storm chasers turned homicide unit partners are forced to bring a killer tornado to justice.
8. Mr. Drozd's Opus
Starring: Steve Drozd, Wayne Coyne and this kid
Plot: Frustrated by his second fiddle status in a popular rock band, a local musician finds satisfaction by conducting the Classen School of Advanced Studies orchestra.
9. Searching for Clark Matthews
Starring: Kelly Ogle, Gan Matthews, Clark Pup
Plot: A prepubescent checkers prodigy refuses to harden himself in order to become a champion like the famous but unlikable Clark Matthews.
10. Hero Behind Bars: The Jerome Ersland Story or In Cold Bold III: The Jerome Ersland Story
Plot: Still not so sure about the plot in this one.