Even though the we are celebrating it tomorrow, this little obscure local social blog turns four years old today. Considering the average life span of a blog is about the same as a fake twitter account, I guess this is an achievement.
Kind of like a kid growing up or an old person getting old, the look, feel and presence of our site has changed quite a bit over the past four years, but the personality has generally remained the same. We still like to piss off and make fun of people, and occasionally/hopefully help our readers out there get a little laugh each day.
So to Gary England and all of our friends, family, readers, sponsors, advertisers, haters, lawsuit filers, groupies, writers, contributors, cardboard cutouts, trivia players, pub crawlers, hot chicks and Ogle Moles, thanks for all the support over the past four years. You guys rock like Jim Traber does at a Mexican buffet!
See you tomorrow night!