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On Monday, the Oklahoma House of Representatives voted on a reprimand of their colleague, Sally Kern. It passed easily with 76 of the 101 members of the body voted in favor of calling her out for suggesting that women were lazy and that her black students failed to work hard because they aspired to be wards of the government.

Maybe I'm alone, but I actually was impressed that 75.2% of a group of people elected by Oklahomans would vote in line with rational humans. Eliminate the eight representatives who were excused from voting and the one who invoked "constitutional privilege" (whatever that means) and it means we're up to 82.6% of house members showing some sign of intelligence.

Some might suspect that Sally Kern was in that coalition excused from voting, but she was not. She was not the person who used constitutional privilege, either. No, Sally voted to censure herself.

That leaves sixteen people (including two Democrats) who disagreed with Sally Kern that Sally Kern was out of line. These were the people who were either satisfied with Sally's weak apology or else felt that black people are lazy, and that women are only want to make babies.

They look just like you would expect. All white. All male. And I would feel bad for labeling them as such, except they obviously do not mind categorizing people.

After the jump, we list the culprits along with their political head shot and nickname.

Dustin Roberts
Mike Ritze
Marty Quinn
R. C. Pruett
Jason Murphey
James Lockhart - One of the Democrats
Charles Key
Dennis Johnson
Todd Russ
Paul Wesselhoft

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