This is it.
The bombshell versus the bomber. G'Linda versus the Durantula. The reigning Ogle Madness champion versus the prospective NBA champion. Kristin Chenoweth versus Kevin Durant.
She wore a pink bikini for an FHM photo shoot, won Tony awards for her role in Wicked, a best supporting actress Emmy for her role on Pushing Daisies, and authored a book, A Little Bit Wicked, that bragged about how she sings using her "hoo-hoo" then predicts the weather like Gary England using the same body part.
He is on the verge of winning his first NBA scoring title, has led the Oklahoma City Thunder from laughing stock status to darlings of the league, and is currently preparing for an attempt to knock off another reigning champion.
So, who should win the greatest honor that can be stowed upon an Oklahoman? Vote after the jump.
(1) Kristin Chenoweth vs. (3) Kevin Durant:

About Kristin Chenoweth:
Last Game: Defeated (1) Carrie Underwood 300 - 295
Conference:Ogle Madness Champions
Who she is: Emmy & Tony Award Winning Actress
Biggest Strength: Winning Things. And according to her autobiography, A Little Bit Wicked, her bajango can sing and predict the weather.
Biggest Weakness: Giving an Ogle Madness championship acceptance speech like this one.

About Kevin Durant:
Last Game: Defeated (2) Sam Bradford 324 - 273
Conference: Professional Athletes
Who he is: The Oklahoma Thunder's Franchise Player
Biggest Strength: Scoring in every way imaginable (on the basketball court).
Biggest Weakness: The University of Texas