On Tuesday, we unveiled the first half of our rankings of the "20 Hottest Women in the Oklahoma City Media." Today we show you the top 10. Exciting, huh? Check it out after the jump.
p.s. - To continue out tradition of providing equal time, we wanted to make our non-heterosexual readership proud by posting a picture of two non-heterosexual broadcasters. One is more famous than the other.
p.s.2 - To check out the first half our rankings "” Number 20 -11 - click here!

10. Amy McRee
KWTV Channel 9, Newsanchor
The fact that Amy McRee ranks number 10 may surprise some people. Know what else may surprise some people??? Chad is incredibly good at "Wheel of Fortune" and I like Kaleidoscopes.
The pink bikini picture has carried Amy a long way, but now it's pretty boring. Hell, now when I gaze at the picture I just wonder what the hell the guy in the back of the photo is looking at. Seriously, unless One Eyed Willy's treasure is at the bottom of Lake Arcadia, he has no business paying attention to what's in the water while Amy McRee and her hot friends prance around in bikinis tickling each other.
All that being said, the pink bikini picture is pretty great. As long as it exists, Amy will always be one of the 20 hottest women in the OKC media.

9. Lacey Lett
105.3 The Spy, Obscure Radio Show Host
Here's the deal. Lacey was going to rank in the top five, but then we discovered this picture. My stomach still hurts when I look at it.
Regardless of what roofies Skarky gave to Lacey Lett, she's still hot. And she still works in the media by co-hosting the Oklahoma Rock show on The Spy. It's the second best radio show in Oklahoma City.

8. Kelly Crull
Sports Reporter, KOCO Channel 5
Kelly Crull is pretty hot. But here's the deal, she's a sports reporter. That's a major turn-off. The last thing you want to do is date a girl that knows a lot about sports. Not only does it mean she can interfere in your conversations with friends, but it also gives her a way to turn a normal conversation into a spontaneous irrational argument. Kind of like this:
"Who do you think will win the Super Bowl?"
"The Colts."
"I think Freeney and Mathis will generate enough pressure on Brees to slow the Saints. Plus, I think Manning is clutch."
"Well I think the Saints will win. They are hot at the right time."
"Yeah, but they barely beat the Vikings, and the Vikings played terrible."
"Oh yeah, remember last month when you went out with Jimmy? Huh!?! Remember that? You were out tell three in the morning! I saw the glitter on your shirt! I saw the glitter on your damn shirt!!!

7. Amanda Guerra,
News Reporter, KOCO Channel 5
We were original not going to rank Amanda this high, but then we came across this damn picture of her with a puppy. Hell, even we're suckers for pictures of cute girls holding cute little puppies. Pictures like that should be banned. The only thing it's missing are cup cakes, rainbows, singing dwarfs and squash plants. Wait. We already have a picture of Amanda in front of squash plants.

6. Lauren Richardson
Morning News Reporter, KOKH Channel 25
Ice Cream Cone. Log Rolling. Sucking on nuts in the morning. It's all there, all we need now is a picture of Lauren Richardson shoving her boobs in Jaime Cerreta's face. Oh...

5. Jessica Schambach
Anchor, KOCO Channel 5
We like Jessica, but ever since she lost Maggie to the hedge fund manager, things just haven't been the same. Maybe it's because Paul Folger checks her out during the newscast, or maybe it's because Mark Rodgers is single.
Whatever the problem is, we need to cheer Jess up. And we have the perfect idea! She needs a Facebook Page! If she does that, she can reconnect with Maggie Carlo. She will be also be able to post pictures of her friends going to clubs and bars and stuff. Pictures that can then pop up on this web page! Sounds like a good plan!

4. Melissa Maynarich
Anchor, KWTV Channel 4
If we were ranking the "20 Women most likely to become JC Penny models in the OKC Media" or "The 20 women our Moms would love for us to marry in the Oklahoma City media," I'm pretty sure that Melissa Maynarich would rank number one, but she's just too cute and pretty to be considered hot. Seriously, koala bears, baby pandas and Amanda Guerra's puppy would stop and gaze if Melissa Maynarich walked by them

3. Jaime Cerreta
Anchor, KOKH Channel 25
Know what makes a hot girl even hotter? Hot friends. Know what makes a hot girl with hot friends even hotter? Hot friends dressed in slutty costumes!
Yeah, the next time we have an event like a Snuggie Pub Crawl, we need to plan it around Jaime's schedule. Also, we need to make sure the event has nothing to do with fluffy blankets.
And in case you're new, Jaime is in red.

2. Jennifer Pierce
Anchor, KWTV Channel 9
Yeah, we wrote about Jennifer Pierce last week. We wrote about her because she looks fun...and because she's also super hot.
Anyway, there were other pictures that did a better job at displaying Jennifer's hotness, but I like this picture of her in front of my black Lamborghini. Or is that my Ferrari. Hell, they all look the same to me now.

1. Joleen Chaney
Anchore/Reporter, KFOR Channel 4
It wasn't easy picking the hottest women in the Oklahoma City news media, but after a lot of perverted discussion with Ogle moles, we went with Joleen Chaney. We think the deciding factor was her amazing 95% approval rating. So not only is she hot, but she's likable. In an odd way, she's kind of like me!
Anyway, there you have it. The 2010 rankings of the 20 Hottest Women in the Oklahoma City News Media. Is it a perfect list? Probably not? Did it joyfully kill a portion of your work day? Hopefully so!