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Page 3: Looking Ahead and Not Behind


One question before we get going: What the heck are we calling the 2000's? The Aughts? The 00's? The Thousands? Someone needs to make a ruling on this soon. I vote Aughts.

And speaking of, I think I need to jump on the bandwagon and do some sort of end-of-the-decade listy sort of thing. I started to compile a huge list of important things that happened in Oklahoma over the last 10 years. But then I realized that would be far too much work and that I'm far too lazy for it.

But while everyone is focused on retrospectives and looking back on things like Barbaro and Steve Bartman, I'm going to look to the future. What will the NEXT 10 years look like for Oklahomans? Here's 10 things I could see happening at some point in the next decade:

1. A professional lacrosse team or something for Edmond
Oklahoma City has the NBA, Tulsa has the WNBA, so the natural progression for the city that wants to catch up to the big boys is something like lacrosse right? Or is that actually better than the WNBA? I honestly don't know.

2. No more Oklahoman
This isn't bold and it's basically happening right now. If you didn't know already, now you know: Newspapers are dying. I don't know really what their plan is, but I'd imagine it'll have something to do with NewsOK (and their annoying freaking autoplaying videos) and the new "digital" Oklahoman.

3. Three more Miss America's
Give this state 10 more years and we'll surely crank out three more winners. We're the New Yankees of pageantry.

4. MAPS IV, V and VI, eventually extending Oklahoma City to eventually touch Tulsa and Dallas
And you can already sign me up for voting for it all. I love the way Oklahoma City has grown. I mean, think about OKC 10 years ago. No Bass Pro. No Toby Keith's. No Ford Center. No a lot of things. Downtown OKC was not somewhere to be. It was basically Spaghetti Warehouse and a couple homeless shelters. Now it's a legit place. So if they want to keep on MAPPING, I'll keep on voting.

5. At least one NBA Finals appearance for the Thunder
I just peed a little writing that.

6. Gary England will still be working at Channel 9.
He will never die. He will never retire. He will never take a break from saving lives. Have no fear Oklahoma, he will always keep us advised. I'm convinced of it.

7. Mick Cornett will be named King of Oklahoma
If you don't love Mayor Mick, you don't love Oklahoma. Heck, you don't love America. Or freedom. Or giggling babies. Mayor Mick will do something over these next 10 years. Maybe it'll be governor. Maybe Senator. Maybe President of Everything. Maybe he'll make a glorious return to the KOCO sports desk. Who knows? I just know I'll be right here, supporting the crap out of him.

8. Al Eschbach will eventually cross the Imus Line
Lord knows he's toed it before. Quizzing interns on their sexuality on air, talking about porn at every chance, talking about his own appearance. He's had to have come close over the past 150 years or however long he's been on the radio. I don't know what will do it for him though. I tend to think it won't be something racial because he's never come close there. Maybe it'll be a sex scandal that not even Tiger Woods could match. Yeah, that's probably what'll be.

9. OU wins 10 consecutive National Titles
Because otherwise, SOMEONE on the coaching staff has got to be fired. Here is something weird to think about though: In 2020, Bob Stoops will have been at OU for 21 years. Bud Wilkinson was at OU for 18 years. Barry Switzer, 15 years. Will Bob Stoops really extend his tenure through this decade? I sure freaking hope so. I'm sobbing uncontrollably at just the thought of a Stoops-less Sooners.

10. I will still want to live here
I'm a lifelong Oklahoman and I can tell you, in 10 years I'll still be here. Well, unless something outrageous happens that requires me to move, like millions of dollars, I will be right here. I know the perceptions of Oklahoma and the stereotypes, but I seriously love Oklahoma. I love it. And in 10 years, who knows where I'll be with my life or what  I'll be doing, but I fully intend to be doing whatever it is right here in this great state. Oklahoma has come a loooooong way in just 10 years. I really wish I had a before and after picture to toss up. But imagine another 10 years. The river will be developed. New skyscrapers. An improved basketball arena. More development. It's going to be awesome.

And when I'm recapping the two-thousand teens, the 10's, the whatever's here on The Lost Ogle (because we all know this place will still be here - it's eternal) I have a feeling my mind will be blown. Flying cars? Nah. More like an immortal flying Gary England.

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