The other day, a friend sent me to some website named websiteoutlook.com. Apparently, this place evaluates and appraises websites based on readily available statistics like page views, traffic rank, back links, etc. According to the site, this is how much The Lost Ogle is worth:
I'm not too sure what to think about that. Does it mean that if some unlicensed plumber buys the site from us that his taxes will go up? Does it mean that the Oklahoma Tax Commission is going to send us a $250,000 tax bill? Does it mean that the sportscaster-who-will-remain-unnamed will finally sue us?
Who knows. All that really matters is that if websiteoutlook.com is correct, then Clark Matthews and I are officially thousandaires. Yes, ladies...THOUSANDaires. Please send all pictures and resumes to thelostogle at gmail dot com, with the subject "For Patrick...not Clark Matthews."
Anyway, since we are now worth about 1,000 whole City Bites Sandwiches, I figured it would be fun to see what some other local websites are worth. Check it out after the jump:

Site: Wimgo.com
Value: $7,577.40
Honestly, we still don't really know what Wimgo is. From what we can tell, it appears to be a place where convicted sex offenders (and maybe other people) can look for local festivals and events throughout town.
Anyway, considering the thousands (and probably hundreds of thousands) of dollars spent on the development, staffing, marketing, and promotion of Wimgo, you would think that it would be valued more than the site you're currently visiting. Of course, you would probably also think that I am the most handsome man in the world. That's not entirely true. I'm just the world's most "strikingly attractive" one.

Site: NewsOK.com
Value: $179,623.80
Let's give NewsOK some credit, it may be the most valuable difficult to navigate website on the planet. Seriously, if somebody asks you to look something up on NewsOK.com, you might want to be safe and wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, because the odds you're going to find what you're looking for are about the same as Braum's getting you order correct.

Site: OUinsider.com
Value: $24,776.20
OUinsider is a good example of how the WebsiteOutlook.com appraisals may be a bit off. What the website doesn't consider is that a place like OUinsider.com has thousands of OU homers paying a monthly subscription to read James Hale's "insight" and "unbiased opinion" on University of Oklahoma athletics on its over-moderated message boards.

Site: The Inner Webs
Value: $2,248.40
From what we've heard, this site was started by a bunch of Internet nerds who were tired of stuffing James Hale's wallet. It's also the only known internet residence of our former editor Tony.

Site: IrritatedTulsan
Value: $2,540.40
Jerry, the Irritated Tulsan, writes our Tulsa Tuesday column. I did some math, and technically The Lost Ogle would be more valuable without his Tuesday diatribes. However, because we are artists and don't care about the money, we keep him around for the sad, desperate giggles. Anyway, please visit his site so it will become more valuable.

Site: Toby Keith's "I Love This Bar and Grill!"
Value: $2,430.90
Considering most of their customers don't have Internet access, I'm not very surprised this site has such a low value.

Site: The Pioneer Woman
Value: $104,521.40
To quote Mike Gundy: "Where are we at in society today?
Seriously, The Pioneer Women contains nothing but a bunch of recipes, photographs and "confessions" of a lady who lives on a ranch near Tulsa. How it is worth over six figures is beyond me.
Anyway, check us out tomorrow for our newest feature: Lost Ogle Recipes. Also, starting next week Clark Matthews is going to post pictures of his neighbors' children playing in the yard. That should bring in the visits, and also make us rich!

Site: Bee-Spot
Value: $1,795.80
Since she is a level 2 alcoholic, Blythe is one our favorite bloggers. However, we are a bit disappointed in the monetary value of her blog. Seriously, you would think that a young 20-something girl who posts semi-nude pictures of her and her friends playing Twister at the beach would get more traffic, and thus, have a higher value. Oh well. What do we know.

Site: The Flaming Lips
Value: $10,088.60
Before MySpace, I think band websites were more important than they are now. Seriously, when is the last time any new band told you to go to their website. They always tell you to go to their MySpace Page, or in Wayne Coyne's case, to a land filled with Christmas elves playing ping pong with pink elephants on Mars.

Site: Hinder Music
Value: $7,672.30
Granted, they may have the money, fame, fortune, and groupies, but somehow, someway, The Lost Ogle is allegedly worth more than Hinder's official site. Once again, to quote Mike Gundy: "Where are we at in society today?"