In this installment of the Travels of Cardboard Jim, we decided to take Oklahoma's favorite cardboard cut-out to the one place where we were least likely to see his human imitator: The Oklahoma City Gay Pride Festival.
So far, this has been the oddest out of Jim's three documented adventures. When he crashed my brother's graduation party, people loved him. At the Norman Music Festival, people begged to have their picture taken with him. But at the Pride Festival, nobody really knew who Jim Traber was. This made things difficult, because when we told people he was a right wing sports radio host, they really didn't want to get their picture with him. Eventually, we just lied and said he was one of only a few openly gay former Major League Baseball Players and that he now hosts a late night TV show on FOX called the Locker Room. That's half true, right?
Anyway, before a very stern, curious lady with short hair kind of ran us out of the festival, we were able to get a few good pictures of Cardboard Jim with all his fans, including Corporation Commissioner Jim Roth (pictured above), Oklahoma's highest ranked openly gay official. Check them out after the jump.

When Cardboard Jim arrived at the festival, he thought it was a festival for proud people with large egos. He felt at home.

Carboard Jim especially loved this float. It reminded him of Curtis Fitzpatrick's living room.

This was Cardboard Jim's favorite sign. War is also his favorite card game.

Cardboard Jim then went to one of his favorite booths and helped pass out literature. He was looking for Atheist Laettner.

This man was at the the Buddhists booth. He's giving his opinion on The Sports Animal moving to 98.1FM.

Cardboard Jim felt uncomfortable at this booth. Although they did let him have a sucker from the green-yellow bucket.

After visiting several booths, Cardboard Jim decided to mingle with some fans.

These two fans were excited to get their picture taken with Cardboard Jim. They were excited about a lot of things.

Cardboard Jim was intrigued with this Yardbird's face painting.

Cardboard Jim told these people how much he hates Fenway Park. He then told them how to break in a baseball glove.

Cardboard Jim asked this nice lady to dance. She declined because she wasn't wearing tall enough shoes.

These guys rode bikes. Cardboard Jim use to ride bikes with Paul White in Baltimore.

Carboard Jim tried to buy this flag for $50. His offer was declined.

Cardboard Jim swore up and down that this guy looked like a producer from The Sports Animal. We were not sure if he was serious.
Anyway, because Cardboard Jim's visit was cut-short, that's all we have for this ghey edition of The Travels of Cardboard Jim Traber. Maybe next year we'll just go to the Pride parade instead. Maybe we'll see Clark Matthews there, too.