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Hot Girl a Day in the Month of May: Audrey Esther

The girl pictured above is Audrey Esther. To be honest with you, we don't know too much about Audrey. Apparently, she's some new online anchorperson for the INSite team...whatever that is.

Anyway, we really couldn't find too much about Audrey over at, so we decided to Google her to determine if she really is hot. We think so. Clark Matthews really liked this video of her interviewing some guy building sandcastles, while this video of her talking about "rowdy groups who were drinking and getting out of hand" tickled my fancy. You see, Clark Matthews like sandcastles. I like drinking and getting out of hand. Tony likes log rolling and the new Country-Style Chicken Biscuits from McDonalds. We couldn't find any videos of Audrey doing (or eating) either of those things, so Tony will reserve his judgment for later.

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