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Last Saturday, the University of Oklahoma defeated Texas AM 42-14 in a tremendously boring (yet fun) game at Owen Field. Lost in the glory of the big win was a tremendous upset, which was the Pride of Oklahoma becoming the first band to ever outperform the "Nationally Famous" Fightin' Texas Aggie Band during the halftime of a football game.

Seriously, where did this come from? Usually the Pride just plays tributes to 1950's Show Tunes or Queen classics. The theory here has always been that they are forced to do this to satisfy the demands and desires of President Boren. So who knows how they were able to sneak Thriller into the routine. Maybe President Boren was on vacation? Or maybe Michael Jackson's music is now officially ghey enough to satisfy the president?

Regardless of the reason, if you're in the Pride, please keep this up. These 20-minute halftimes last way too long and we need good entertainment. Maybe this Saturday we can have some moshing to Smells Like Teen Spirit. And to make Clark Matthews happy, a rendition of Love is a Battlefield for Bedlam.

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