According to my mom, social media stans, and the local media, OKC Mayor David Holt—or as we affectionately call him, Mayor McSelfie—recently issued a heartfelt endorsement of Kamala Harris for president!
Well, sort of.
Holt didn’t have the guts to mention Kamala Harris by name, nor did he explicitly endorse her. Instead, in an editorial published in something called The Philadelphia Citizen, he attempted to rationalize to moderate members of the GOP—especially those who, like him, have never voted for a Democrat—how and why they should consider voting for the only sane choice for president.
If that seems like a cowardly and toothless way to handle an endorsement, it is. But in today’s divisive political age, I guess it’s notable that a lifelong Alex P. Keaton conservative is admitting the Democrats have the better presidential candidate, even though he won’t really admit that Democrats have the better presidential candidate.
Naturally, Holt began the editorial by doing what he does best: talking about himself.
He rattled off all the important positions he held as he rose through the young Republican ranks. And although he didn’t mention specific legislative accomplishments—like making it harder for people to obtain food stamps or getting the state to name a bridge after George W. Bush—he made it clear how much he loves the Grand Old Party.

After talking about how awesome he is, Holt shared a stunning revelation: He’s no longer prioritizing a candidate's policies in presidential elections. Instead, he’s focused on their three Cs—character, competence, and commitment.
Via The Philadelphia Citizen:
"I viewed policy as the differentiator between candidates. Issues like a strong national defense, limited and competent government, fiscal responsibility, personal freedom, and a free-market capitalist economy all weighed heavily on my vote. It is only in 2016, 2020 and 2024 that I have been forced to recognize that there are criteria inherently more important, criteria that I took for granted. These criteria could be thought of as the three Cs: CHARACTER, COMPETENCE and COMMITMENT to our form of government."
Holt dives into each of the three Cs, explaining how he—along with pretty much anyone who hasn’t been duped by the fiery right-wing rhetoric of a certain demented reality TV businessman—once took “CHARACTER, COMPETENCE, and COMMITMENT” for granted in presidential politics, and how that can no longer be the case.
Then, without mentioning Trump’s name, he provides example after example of how the orange blob fails to meet those standards. He wraps up by explaining he’ll be voting for virtue:
"Perhaps you are like me and you look forward to the day when we can again look beyond the three Cs and consider policy as our presidential differentiator. We should all work towards that day. But that day is not November 5, 2024. On that day, I will hold fast to what is good. On that day, I will vote for virtue."
For what it’s worth, I think it’s good that Holt is using his influence to try to convince people that—unless you’re rooting for the destruction of the foundations of American government—there’s only one clear choice for president.
And as someone tired of the stereotype that all Oklahomans are toothless, ultra-red MAGA blowhards, it’s refreshing to see the mayor of our state’s largest city defy it.
That being said, I have two complaints.
1. He didn’t mention Harris (or Trump) by name.
Listen, I’ll admit I’m not a Kamala Harris fan. She didn’t go through a primary, and her campaign feels a bit too Madison Avenue. Just like David Holt, it’s hard to pin down where she really stands on issues, and it often feels like she goes out of her way to seem cool and likable. Plus, her background as a prosecutor raises some red flags.
Also, I understand that Holt’s careful language could be a strategic move to keep his influence intact and avoid backlash. He’s an “Anyway The Wind Blows” politician who usually mirrors his voters' sentiments to get reelected, and this editorial reflects that.
But still, it’s weak sauce to write a piece that basically lays out why Kamala Harris is the best choice for president without mentioning her name or giving a clear endorsement. It’s almost like Holt’s real three Cs are cowardice, cold feet, and chicken-heartedness.
Also, I’m not a hypocrite.
Like Holt, I think Harris is the best choice for president for many of the reasons he alluded to, and it’s why I’m proud to bury this endorsement deep in an editorial that only a couple thousand people will read:
I, Patrick of The Lost Ogle, proudly endorse Kamala Harris for president, primarily because she’s not Donald Trump.
See, McSelfie! That was easy peasy!
There's also another reason I'm endorsing Harris
2. Three Cs be damned, Harris has better policies than Trump!
David Holt’s main thesis is that policy can no longer be the first “great filter” when voting for president. But even if it was, Kamala is the only sane choice for moderate Republicans! I won’t go into detail here, but at last check, she’s for conservative principles like free trade, supporting NATO and our allies, and protecting people's personal freedoms. She also owns a Glock!
Anyway, you can read Holt’s full editorial in a Philadelphia paper here. I seriously doubt it will move any needles, but it’ll probably score Holt more MSNBC appearances, which, once again, will at least put a dent in OKC’s MAGA right-wing image.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.