The creepy-looking guy pictured above who looks like he shouldn’t be allowed to live within 1,000 feet of a school, church, or petting zoo, is Oklahoma State Representative Fester P. McSpanky.
Well, at least that should be his name.
It’s really Jim Olsen. He’s an infamous, loud-and-proud Oklahoma Republican and leading member of the Derplahoman Caucus, so I guess it’s not a surprise to learn he’s fighting hard to protect the cherished Conservative principle of allowing adults to physically harm children.
Here are the details via an Andy "Soda Pop" Weber article on KOCO Channel 5:
An Oklahoma lawmaker said he wants an interim study on corporal punishment to prove why it needs to be protected.
“I maintain this is a viable tool or should be a viable tool in the toolbox for training our children,” said state Rep. Jim Olsen.
Olsen, known for filing controversial legislation, explained why he wants to study the effectiveness of corporal punishment in the classroom. The practice remains legal in Oklahoma, but both the school and parents have to sign off.
Wait a second.
Corporal punishment is already allowed in Oklahoma, and includes a very reasonable provision that requires an authoritarian parent to authorize a school official to strike, humiliate, and harm their child, but this creepy tickle-chunky still wants to study it?
What a sick creep, huh?
It makes you wonder – does he really want to study corporal punishment, or is this a ruse to see images of elementary school kids being spanked with a paddle?
Here’s what Olsen said about it:
“The purpose of the interim study is not to get everybody in Oklahoma to use corporal punishment on their children when they’re disobedient. However, I view it as an outrage that some people want to take that option away when the school officials and the parents want it to occur,” said Olsen.
Yep, he’s called this study because he’s “outraged” that some liberal softies out there don’t think that schools – a.k.a. government institutions that are supposed to be welcoming places of learning – should be allowed to spank, swat, or strike children as a form of punishment.
Basically, this entire study is a waste of time, and – once again – probably an excuse for him to see images of elementary school kids being spanked with a paddle.
For what it’s worth, I’m a bit indifferent towards our state’s corporal punishment laws. I’d never authorize a school official to strike my kid, but if some asshat parent wants to give an asshat principal or teacher permission to do it, go for it. The only catch is I think it should trigger DHS to investigate what other forms of abuse take place inside that kid’s home.
Also, to be consistent in these views, why are we just limiting corporal punishment to schools? If you ask me, we should allow it in all government institutions, including the Oklahoma legislature.
That’s what they should really be studying!
Like, do we really think lawmakers learn anything when they’re censured or lose a committee assignment as punishment for a DUI or groping a Legislative Aide?
No way!
Although it will delight the sick freaks like Rep. McSpanky, errr, Olsen, we should have them spanked in chambers by the Sergeant at Arms for the world to see. That will really teach them a lesson.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.