Ryan Walters’ plan to make Oklahoma’s public education system the worst in the country is still going along nicely!
Yesterday afternoon, WalletHub released its annual ranking of the states with the Best & Worst School Systems.
For the second year in a row, Oklahoma ranked second to dead last, ahead of only our friends in New Mexico.
Even though WalletHub is a clickbait mill that uses arbitrary data to build rankings that generate media attention and, more importantly, backlinks to help them collect user data and better sell lucrative financial products, the rankings provide good content and fodder for people like me, News 9, The Oklahoman, and everyone else on social media who likes to mock Ryan Walters and his disastrous administration.
Securing a child’s academic success begins with choosing the right schools. It’s important for parents to find a school system that will provide their children with all the resources they need to thrive, both academically and emotionally.
To determine the top-performing school systems in America, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 32 key metrics. Unlike other research that focuses primarily on academic outcomes or school finance, WalletHub’s analysis takes a more comprehensive approach. It accounts for performance, funding, safety, class size, and instructor credentials.
According to WalletHub, the best states for public education were the typical East Coast indoctrination stations like Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Maryland. You know, those woke liberal elitist states that allow vegan drag show library porn book fairs to raise money for DEI trans athletes and Kamala Harris.
Well, at least I assume that's what Ryan tells the baristas at the Harbor Mountain Coffee Shop.
Here’s the bottom 10:
42. Nevada
43. Mississippi
44. Alabama
45. Oregon
46. West Virginia
47. Louisiana
48. Alaska
49. Arizona
50. Oklahoma
51. New Mexico
In addition to Oklahoma still sucking, I guess the other big news item is that “Thank God for Mississippi” can no longer serve as Oklahoma’s unofficial motto. Since Oklahoma classrooms are all going to have Bibles now, maybe “Prayers to New Mexico” would be a fitting replacement?
We reached out to Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters to get his thoughts on the rankings. This is what he told us:
“I’d like to thank my administration and supporters for the role they’ve played in making Oklahoma one of the worst places in the country for public education. As this ranking shows, it’s way past time we defund all Oklahoma public schools and invest even more money in online charter schools, private school vouchers, and biblical homeschooling.”
Yeah, I just made that up. Obviously, it didn’t come from Ryan because it didn’t blame teachers and Joe Biden.
Anyway, you have to think Ryan and Matt and all the other public school grifters and saboteurs who call this place home have to love rankings like this. They’ve worked extra hard not only to make Oklahoma public schools terrible but also to fatten the wallets of their grifter buddies, so I’m sure they feel good to see their hard work recognized.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.