Another Oklahoma City radio fossil is saying offensive things about Native Americans!
Yesterday afternoon, I received a message from an Ogle Mole asking if I heard what local Rick Walker – the less funny, more arrogant half of the long-running ROCK 100.5 The KATT morning radio show Rick and Brad – said over the airwaves.
Considering I have satellite radio and Spotify – and also don’t work in a Midwest City salvage yard – the quick and obvious reply was “No, I haven’t.”
The Mole then sent me a clip of the duo playing their own low-budget version of Family Feud where they ask each other survey questions. Wildly entertaining stuff, huh?
I guess when asking Brad whether or not he drives over the speed limit, Rick channeled his inner Ronnie Kaye and prefaced the question with an antiquated and offensive phrase that’s very disrespectful toward Native Americans.
Check this out:
Yep, that’s right!
Rick hopped on the racial stereotype way back machine and dropped an “Honest Injun” reference – a casually racist phrase that plays on antiquated stereotypes and misrepresents and marginalizes Oklahoma’s many Native American and Indigenous peoples.
The things people do for approval from Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt are pretty sickening, huh?
I asked Ronnie Kaye – the OKC radio legend who was fired from KOMA for showing indifference towards Indigenous Peoples Day – what he thought about Rick’s comment.
This was his reaction:

In all seriousness, I’m not 100% sure where Rick’s quip should rank on the “I’m offended” scale, or what punishment it will warrant.
Since Rick and Brad is still the #1 radio show in the OKC market – which, although it’s like being the metro’s number one seller of DVDs, still does mean something – I doubt station management will do what Tyler Media did to Ronnie Kaye and send him packing. But you do have to wonder if they’ll consider some sort of disciplinary action.
You know, like maybe suspending him for a week, or even worse, forcing him to watch his directorial debut – Sam and Janet – on repeat.
“Whatever Patrick! This isn’t a big deal. Referring to Indians as honest is a compliment! Plus, people just get too offended nowadays! Now play me some Cumbersome!”
Listen. As a guy who routinely offends the woke bicycle brigade on social media with my words and writing, I can see the mirage you’re coming from.
Yes, people get overly outraged and offended nowadays, but it’s not like Rick was trying to tell a joke, or that his use of the phrase was twisted out of context and misrepresented.
The dude literally just casually dropped a dated racial trope and stereotype on the air like we’re in the analog days of the 20th century, which coincidentally enough, I think is the last time Rick and Brad were culturally relevant!
It also makes you wonder what other words, phrases, and expressions Rick uses when the on-air light isn’t flashing from his Arizona studio.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.