Make sure to cross out “Oklahoma Governor banned from YouTube for promoting animal cruelty” from your 2023 Oklahoma Idiocracy Bingo Card.
As you may recall, Kevin Stitt made international news last week when a video of him supporting the Oklahoma Game Fowl Organization – the grassroots right-wing hillbilly group looking to overturn the will of the Oklahoma people and decriminalize cockfighting – was strutted around the Internet by animal rights activists.
Like all the other times Stitt makes national news, it was a pretty embarrassing moment for a state that specializes in embarrassing moments. To make the situation even more cringe, absurd, and newsworthy, YouTube then removed the video for violating its policy against promoting animal cruelty.
Via The Oklahoman:
Gov. Kevin Stitt's video praising the cockfight industry has been pulled from YouTube, the company said Monday. YouTube said Stitt's video violated the company's community guidelines by promoting cruelty to animals.
YouTube flagged Stitt's video over the weekend and issued a final ruling Monday that the video would not be reinstated and that no further review would be considered.
In a message to the group, Animal Wellness Action, YouTube said, “Content showing the malicious infliction of physical or psychological harm to animals isn't allowed on YouTube. We review educational, documentary, artistic, and scientific content on a case-by-case basis. Limited exceptions are made when sufficient context is included.”
First of all, I just want to say that I don’t think YouTube should have removed the video.
It’s not like Stitt was encouraging people to grab their favorite cock and a bottle of moonshine and head down to Sheriff Clardy’s barn for a cockfightin’ party. He was simply telling his friends, supporters, and allies who do that type of stuff that he backs and supports them and all the inbred yokel charm, teeth pullings, and organized crime and illegal gambling, they bring to our state’s culture.
In addition to that, it’s nice for the rest of the world to know what the civilized people in our state have to deal with.
Although the video was removed from YouTube for violating their policy against promoting animal cruelty, which makes Oklahoma a Top 10 State for "Governors getting banned by social media platforms for promoting animal cruelty," one savvy media outlet had the intelligence and foresight to save the video and share it on a different platform where just about anything goes.
I wonder who that was?
In just one week, Oklahoma’s had a senator challenge a man to fight during a hearing, and its governor release a video supporting cockfighters. Say want you want about Oklahoma voters, they’re great at electing macho posers with small penises…
— The Lost Ogle (@TheLostOgle) November 17, 2023
Now that the video has become national news and will likely harm his standing with the national Republican party, Stitt has backtracked a bit.
Even though he said he wants to cheer on cockfighters “from the sidelines” and “protect the nearly 5,000 gamefowl farmers across Oklahoma," he’s clarified he’s actually against two birds fighting to the death to the amusement of rednecks, methheads, and other E-I-E-I-O's who live around the state.
The governor's office said that Stitt is not in favor of cockfighting or any other form of animal cruelty. The Governor posted a video on YouTube last week supporting the Oklahoma Gamefowl Commission, a group that has backed legislation that would reduce cockfighting from a felony to a misdemeanor.
The governor's offices added Governor Stitt often records videos for groups to promote things that are important to Oklahoma like agriculture.
Yep, Stitt likes to promote things that are important to state agriculture like, uhm, raising bloodthirsty roosters. I guess that means we should expect Stitt to make a video supporting all the Chinese-owned black-market marijuana farms any day now.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.