Here’s something I did not see coming.
Earlier this week, a group of brave Enid residents gathered to prove that not everyone in town is okay with a neo-nazi working in local government and demanded a recall election for the city’s lone white supremacist on the city council – Judd Blevins.
In case you didn’t know, Blevins won a city council seat earlier this year despite the fact he attended the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, was in a leadership position for Identity Evropa, and spent a lot of time on neo-nazi websites where he praised Hitler.
Here are details from the Enid News Eagle:
Enid Social Justice Committee begins recall petition for Blevins
Enid Social Justice Committee has renewed its attempt to initiate a recall election of Ward 1 Commissioner Judd Blevins.
ESJC had several members speak during public comment at the Enid City Commission meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023, with each of them denouncing Blevins’ alleged ties to white nationalist organizations.
Fr. James Neal, vice chair of ESJC, said during public comment that an attempt was made by Commissioner Derwin Norwood, at the request of ESJC, to broker an agreement that would have required Blevins to acknowledge hate groups, renounce them and apologize for anyone those groups hurt.
Two quick thoughts before we continue…
1. The Enid News Eagle doesn’t need to use the word “alleged.”
I’ve seen the photos of Blevins in Charlottesville and read the racist posts he shared on white supremacy websites. There are no ifs or allegeds about it. The dude is a pudgy sack of racist garbage!
2. Can the group of brave Enid residents call themselves something other than the Enid Social Justice Committee?!
There’s nothing wrong with challenging white supremacists and advocating for equal rights and opportunities for all people, but the phrase “Social Justice” is way more terrifying to Enid conservatives than “White Supremacist” or even “Nazi.” If anything, The Enid Social Justice Committee is making it easier for Blevins to fight the recall efforts…
“Look at me! I’m just a poor little conservative white man with a beard being targeted and censored by the woke liberal Joe Biden social justice cancel culture mob! They want to silence you, me, and all other White Christian Nationalist conservative voices and replace us with CRT, BLM, and Trans babies! Don’t let them win! Now Let’s Go Brandon and Heil Hitler.”
If you ask me, The Enid Social Justice committee should take a page from the conservative playbook and call themselves “Moms for Super Liberty" or “Farmers for Christ.”
Also, instead of sharing photos of Blevins at the “Unite the Right” rally, they should instead pass around doctored photos of him holding an “I’m with HER” sign or Trans flag. That may seem disingenuous, but those are the sad lengths and efforts you have to go to get a white supremacist booted off the city council in a morally lost place like Enid.
With all that being said…
I guess the Social Justice Committee wanted Blevins to admit at the City Council meeting that he belonged to white supremacist groups, apologize for it, and renounce them. Instead, he went on a long rambling soliloquy where he vowed to never apologize and always fight for his right to free speech.
Channel 25 shared a video from the meeting. It got pretty heated:
CHAOS at last night’s Enid City Commissioners meeting, amid calls to recall Commissioner Judd Blevins. His opponents claim he’s got Nazi ties and was in Charlottesville for the Unite the Right riot. (1/2)
— Wendy Suares📺 (@wsuares) November 8, 2023
I’d like to give it up to these Enid residents. In a town where now-dead Nazis openly shop at Walmart, it takes some courage to stand up to a white supremacist who went to a rally where dudes carrying tiki torches chanted “Jews Will Not Replace Us.”
Although their effort will likely fail, I wish these social justice warriors the best of luck in getting Blevins recalled from the council.
Stay with The Lost Ogle. We’ll keep you advised.