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Norman Cops want to buy armored vehicle with money they stole…

It looks like the Norman Police Department wants an early Christmas present!

According to various media reports, Norman PD wants to use $1.1-million in unchecked money they’ve stolen seized over the years via civil asset forfeitures to buy a fancy armored vehicle in the name of “public safety.”

Here are some details via the OU Daily:

The Norman City Council discussed the purchase of the BearCat, an armored, all-purpose rescue vehicle, and an over $1.1 million budget appropriation for the Norman Police Department during a Tuesday study session.

The BearCat would cost $353,000, with SWAT team, Hazardous Devices Unit and bike team equipment replacement taking up the rest of the budget. Ballistic shields and blankets, respirators and canisters, BearCat training, drones and support equipment, and several other gear upgrades take up the rest of the proposal.

Yikes. Is Norman PD wanting to protect and serve its city’s residents or plan for an ANTIFA zombie apocalypse? 

According to Ricky Jackson, Norman’s deputy police chief, they really need a BearCat because they get tired of waiting to borrow ones that belong to neighboring departments.

Via the Norman Transcript:

Jackson, speaking on behalf of the police department, asked the council to consider using $1.1 million in asset forfeiture funds for the armored vehicle, which costs $353,000, and other items that include SWAT gear, bomb suits and training.

He told the council when the department borrows an armored vehicle from another agency, it takes up to two hours for it to arrive.

Last month the department borrowed a similar vehicle from the county sheriff for a standoff with an armed suspect who vowed to “suicide by cop.”

It was the second time in 18 months a loaned armored vehicle was needed.

First of all, why do they need a $350,000 military vehicle to help a psycho commit “suicide by cop?” As we’re reminded on a regular basis, that's something where Okahoma cops already excel!

Second, if you’re only using the vehicle a couple of times a year, doesn’t it make more sense to just borrow the vehicle from another department?

I know the Norman Police Department would like to have a fancy Bearcat to take to schools and use in parades, but it seems like that $350,000 in stolen… errrr… seized money would be better spent elsewhere. 

Then again, what do I know?

Although I’m not some liberal whacko who wants to abolish policing and let small time crooks and shoplifters go free, I’m also not some ultra-pro-law enforcement authoritarian tough guy who wants a bloated and militarized police force to look the other way when I commit a crime, but go ultra-hard after other groups I don’t like. 

I guess I just want a normal police force that fairly and ethically protects and serves citizens without prejudice and/or looking like a small militia. I know that’s a lot to ask for, but then again, so is requesting $1.1-million in money you stole to buy a military vehicle, so I guess it doesn’t hurt to ask. 

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