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OK Ruling Class successfully blocks Rec. Marijuana SQ from November ballot

Back in August, we let you know that Stitt and Co. were hard at work, doing everything possible to keep SQ 820 – an initiative petition that would legalize recreational medical marijuana in Oklahoma – off this November's general election ballot.

Well, I guess we should congratulate them on a job well done!

Despite the petition organizers collecting way more signatures than needed and delivering them to the Secretary of State with plenty of time to spare, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled this week that the state question won't make the November ballot thanks to a series of politically-motivated roadblocks and delays.

As a result, Oklahomans will have to likely wait until 2024 to pass the joint to recreational weed.

Here are some details via The Oklahoman_:

A state question to legalize recreational cannabis in Oklahoma won't land on the general election ballot after the state Supreme Court rejected a request to ensure the measure gets voted on this year....

SQ 820 will go before voters during a statewide election in 2024 or the governor, who gets to set the election date for the question, could call a special election to put the measure on the ballot sooner. If the governor fails to act, SQ 820 will appear on the general election ballot in 2024, according to proponents of the state question...

Yes on 820 Campaign Director Michelle Tilley called the court ruling disheartening.

"It is disappointing that a few people with their own political interests were able to use the process to prevent voters from voting on this in November," she said in a statement. "However, we cannot lose sight of how far we have come. This is a big deal.

Yeah, I guess that's disappointing if you only use marijuana on occasion, and don't want to jump through all the hoops and charades to get a medical card, but it's a great deal if you're a tele-doc who writes medical marijuana recommendations. I bet they're all passing around the Volcano vaporizer bag in celebration!

The Oklahoman also touched base on all the measures the ruling class went through to make sure this didn't appear on the ballot. From changing rules to how signatures are counted to hiring the Mr. Magoo of pollsters to verify them, they were dead set on making sure this was not an option in November:

The Yes on 820 campaign blamed a new process within the secretary of state's office to verify state question signatures for slowing down their efforts to qualify for the ballot this year. Secretary of State Brian Bingman was appointed by Gov. Kevin Stitt.

A representative for the secretary of state's office previously said the new process adds more scrutiny to ensure only signatures from registered Oklahoma voters are counted when determining whether a state question should go before voters. State question campaigns are required to collect a certain number of signatures in order to qualify for the ballot.

Supreme Court justices said SQ 820 got "bogged down" in the secretary of state's office, but noted the office enlisted temporary workers and some full-time staff to help with signature counting and verification when private contractors appeared to need additional manpower.

But the justices said it was too late to include SQ 820 in time for ballots to be mailed to overseas voters.

That stinks like a batch of skunk weed, but oh well – we've waited over a hundred years to fully legalize weed in Oklahoma, I guess we can wait for a couple more.

Plus, on a positive note, it will give Stitt and Co. and the Oklahoma Ruling Class ample time to organize an opposition to the movement. Remember how hysterical that was last time? I can't wait to see what they dream up with two whole years to plan. It will be TV gold!

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