Last week, we were ninth on the scene, first on the real story, to report that State Rep. Jose Cruz – an up and comer in the Oklahoma Democratic Party – had stepped down due to an inappropriate "bathroom incident" during a New Year's Eve Gathering in Oklahoma City.
Here's what we reported at the time:
On New Year’s Eve, Cruz and his wife attended a little New Year’s Eve mixer with some other local politicos. At one point during the night, Cruz – apparently unbeknownst to his wife and other party attendees – snuck away and made a drunken and very unwanted “advance” on a female lobbyist in a bathroom. I’m putting “advance” in quotes because I honestly have no clue how serious or aggressive the “stupid stuff” was, but it was apparently serious enough for him to step down.
Well, I guess we now officially know how serious his "stupid stuff" was. The answer is "Very."
Yesterday afternoon, Cruz's accusor, Sarah Rivin – a lobbyist with the American Heart Association – came forward to discuss the incident with KFOR reporter / TLO super fan Jessica Bruno. If you want to watch a still-traumatized Sarah attempt to hold back tears as she recounts the events of the night, you can watch the interview here.
If you'd rather go with the less emotionally gripping but still disturbing TLDR, we've acquired the "Victims Timeline of the Events" statement and that Sarah provided to the police and the series of text messages Cruz sent her following the incident. Here's a quick synopsis:
• On New Year's Eve, Sarah had a little party at her small apartment in the Mesta Park area. Cruz and his wife arrived at about 9:45pm.
• Around 15 minutes later, Sarah went to her bathroom to touch up her makeup for a photo with a couple of guests. Without being invited in, Cruz opened the door into the bathroom, walked in, and closed the door.
• Cruz then started creepily gushing to Sarah about her legs, saying Prince Charming things like "I’ve been watching you and you have the nicest legs" and "I saw you poured a beer and your legs are just so nice" and "I just can’t stop watching you."
• After that, he reached over to Sarah, who was wearing a skirt, and ran his hand up the inside of her leg. She says his hand moved from approximately her "ankle to the inner thigh."
• After he did this, Sarah was able to maneuver her way past Cruz and out the door. Razzled and flustered, she confided to a couple of people what happened, and then went to her bedroom and cried. She would end up staying in her room for most of the night, all while the New Years' Eve gathering at her apartment continued on.
• During all this, you think Cruz would have taken a hint and left the party, but being the fuckup he is, he and stuck around with his clueless to the situation wife until the clock hit midnight! They left around 12:15. About 15 minutes later, he started blowing up Sarah with a barrage of drunken texts. We've acquired a screenshot of them via the Ogle Mole Network:

First of all, Sarah's "Hello!" was apparently an inadvertent auto-reply that she made from her Apple watch.
Second, Cruz also left a can a Dr. Pepper in the freezer!?? What a sociopath! I like how nonchalant he is about it all:
"OMG. I was sooooooo drunk. I'm so sorry I went full major league drunk creeper and made a rapey, unwanted move on you in a bathroom while my wife was 10 feet away. I just wanted to say Hello! Why don't we keep that to ourselves? Also, I left a Dr. Pepper in the freezer. Sorry if it made a mess!"
We've actually acquired a photo of the can of Dr. Pepper that Cruz left in the freezer, along with the booze that he brought and apparently left at the party. Check this out:

I know we seriously screw around on this site, and it's sometimes hard to distinguish what's real and isn't, but that photo is very real.
In addition to his dignity, career and reputation, the dude left behind a can of Dr. Pepper Cream Soda and an almost empty bottle of cinnamon-spiced Jack Daniels. If an attempted sexual assault in the bathroom doesn't reveal a lot about Cruz's real character, his choice in alcohol sure does.
Anyway, something tells me this won't be the last time we learn more about Cruz. As other outlets have reported, there are alleged other women out there who are victims of similar assaults and are considering coming forward. When or if they do, we'll provide an update. Until then, stay with The Lost Ogle. We'll keep you advised.