I've been pulling some extra-weight on the bar entertainment front this week, so this week's recap is a bit shorter than normal!
Here we go!
Former Cokehead Lobbyist Finally Gets Punishment He Deserves...
Early this week, former disgraced lobbyist turned AM radio political commentator Chad Alexander was appointed to the Oklahoma County Jail Trust Board. It completes a sad fall from grace by a man who was once one of the most powerful political operatives in the state.
Oklahoma Republican who was arrested for cocaine possession appointed to serve on local jail boardhttps://t.co/BLQxfTzNNx
— Raw Story (@RawStory) October 7, 2021
Seriously, hasn't this man been through enough? Considering he was able to use his privilege to get clean and not serve any jail time – and that his wife was the Chief of Staff for Trump's reelection campaign – you think he could have scored a gig on a traffic commission, or a water resource board, or something else that's not the Siberia of Oklahoma political appointments. I guess he'll have to work his way up from the bottom to get a cushy gig. We wish him the best.
Republicans seek removal of 'red flag' firearm law in defense bill https://t.co/sO55NXKdAZ
— The Oklahoman (@TheOklahoman_) October 7, 2021
Bice in trouble for doing something right
Earlier this year, Stephanie Bice voted in favor of a bill that included a reasonable provision that "would allow a system for military judges to restrain service members from 'possessing, receiving, or otherwise accessing a firearm' if a protective order is filed against them."
Because most conservatives are unreasonable and uncompromising gun nuts who consider any form of reasonable gun legislation to be an assault on liberty, Bice is now trying to repeal the legislation she voted for, and conducting constituent damage control:
Today, I returned the calls of my constituents who had questions about my vote on the NDAA. I supported this annual legislation because it provides critical funding for our servicemembers and national security. pic.twitter.com/mhCBJy1Y6v
— Rep. Stephanie Bice (@RepBice) September 30, 2021
Some day we'll have a conservative politician in this state who will show some courage and stand up to the right-wing gun nuts! Actually, just kidding. That will never happen.
Funny Sports-related Tweet of the Week
It's virtually impossible now to listen to sports radio in this market and not hear alt-right Greg from the Oklahoma men's clinic trying to reach all the limp-dick MAGA men who can't get an erection. It's somehow made local sports radio even more intolerable to listen to, which I didn't think was possible.
Gathering Places agree to a settlement
Tulsa’s Gathering Place, Shawnee Coffee Shop Settle Lawsuit Over Name Rights https://t.co/gkoj2OyuIa
— News On 6 (@NewsOn6) October 5, 2021
The details of the settlement weren't released, but I hope the greedy losers at the Tulsa super park came to their sense and just let the Shawnee place do their own thing just as long as they don't build a $240-million park in their backyard.
OKCPS resorts to hiring temps as subs
OKCPS Board of Ed hires temp service to provide substitute teachers -- renames Gatewood Elem bldg
— Okla City Free Press (@FreePressOKC) October 5, 2021
-- @BrettDOkc reportshttps://t.co/eMYWo49JjU #oklaed @OKCPS pic.twitter.com/WzA9BtvO42
Don't you feel sorry for the temps who get stuck with that gig? I'd rather spend my day filing medical forms in an old warehouse.
Oklahoma a Top 10 State to Not Have a Baby
A new analysis weighed 31 metrics across three categories in each of the 50 states and Washington, D.C., to determine the best and worst places in the United States to have a baby.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) October 3, 2021
See how your state stacks up 👶https://t.co/r9kFH3c5Rj
That concludes this week's news round up. Have a nice weekend and we'll see you on Monday.