Late last week, documented alt-right psycho John Bennett – the elected leader of the Oklahoma GOP – reflected the thoughts and views of hundreds of thousands of warped Oklahoma Republicans when he shared a post on the official OK GOP Facebook page that equated private employer vaccine mandates to the Nazi Holocaust.
Because it's generating attention for the party's base and helping them raise money in the process, the post is still online. Check it out:
Wow. Even by conservative Oklahoma Facebook standards, that's pretty insane! Don't they know they're supposed to share that stuff privately in DMs and email, and not in the open for sane people to see?
Naturally, the post generated outrage from all the woke crybabies who think it's a stretch for a political party to associate corporate vaccine mandates during a global pandemic to the systemic slaughter of Jewish people and other ethnic groups during the 1940s.
In fact, even the heavy hitters in the Oklahoma GOP who openly enable, pander and court the votes of crazed conservative nutjobs like Bennett admonished the post. Here's a joint statement they released:
Kudos to Stitt, Lankford, Inhofe and all the other folks for standing up to the nutjob reality-denying xenophobes who have taken control of their party. Sure, it took their party leader equating vaccine mandates to genocide for them to take a stand, but let's give their false bravery credit where credit is due.
That being said, I do have to ask – where was this outrage when Bennett was going full Islamaphobic bigot in the Oklahoma legislature and routinely spouting off crazy shit about Muslims? I don't think you heard a peep from Lankford or Inhofe back then.
Seriously, you have to admit it's interesting how Oklahoma GOP leadership is quick to call out Bennett when he does something that offends their Conservative Jewish allies, but when his dangerous rhetoric targets other religions, they're okay with being quiet and happily complicit.
The same goes for personal threats against politicians. Where were the joint statements of admonishment when Bennett was sharing Facebook posts calling for the execution of Hillary Clinton?

Total silence.
And where was the outrage when Bennett and his family disrespected and mocked the American flag by turning it into a regrettable fashion statement?

Remember folks. It's the evil corporate vaccine mandates that will lead our country down the path of Nazi Germany, not the maniacal ideologues who take family portraits armed with guns while dressed in the Betsy Ross collection from Sear's. They're here to protect us.
Obviously, being a deeply thoughtful, pragmatic and reasonable man, Bennett eventually realized the post was disrespectful, reflected poorly on members of his party, and apologized for the mistake.
Haha. Just kidding.
On Sunday afternoon, in an effort to milk the controversy for all it's worth, Bennett grabbed a gun and issued a video statement where he spread lies about vaccine mandates, election fraud and doubled down on the Holocaust analogy.
It's worth listening to if you're A) a right-wing idealogue who thinks Tim McVeigh had some good ideas, or B) Just want to see a brain-dead member of the Christian Taliban attempt to pronounce "Massachusetts."
That was the best part for me:
Before we continue, sharing right-wing propaganda like this on my website makes me feel more gross and dirty than a John Bennett brain cell. We better get a bunch of clicks on this article to make it worth it!
Following the controversial Facebook post and Sunday double-down, party officials in the Oklahoma GOP are now allegedly looking to remove Bennett from his position of power:
Following a Facebook video in which Oklahoma GOP Chairman John Bennett continued to equate the treatment of unvaccinated Americans to that of Jews during the Holocaust, a source with direct knowledge said conversations about possibly removing Bennett from office are in progress.
The source, who is a member of the state GOP and has direct knowledge of the conversations, said the majority of Republicans are unhappy with Bennett’s leadership, and plans are currently being formulated to remove him from office. A second source familiar with the conversations confirmed they are happening.
“Conversations are currently being had about possibly removing Chairman Bennett after this latest unilateral action that seems to serve himself more than the party,” the first source with direct knowledge of the conversations said. “Rather than being a chair for the whole Republican Party in Oklahoma, he is operating as a chair for simply his sect of the party. That has dried up the fundraising well and could lead to an early exit from his office.
Notice how the quote doesn't say anything about Bennett being booted for being a delirious bigot and moron who has hideous thoughts and views? They're just mad that he's getting extra attention and could hurt fundraising. I guess it's good to know where the OK GOP really stands.
Anyway, I guess we'll continue to follow and monitor this story, and let you know the next time Bennett says or does something stupid. Stay with The Lost Ogle. We'll keep you advised.