As many Oklahomans get the Covid vaccine to get post-pandemic life on track – and many many more do not – Oklahoma has started to allow non-residents to visit our state for a vaccine shot.
Though the purpose of these visits is to help push us into a state of herd immunity, it doesn't mean these vaccine tourists can't get out to enjoy Oklahoma food, culture, and adventure along the way.
As a result, we put together a Visitors' Guide for Out-Of-State Vaccine Tourists.

Enjoy food and fun at historic Kong's Tavern
Relive history by visiting one of the first local restaurants to go balls to the Covid-wall during the Pandemic – Kong's Tavern! Their Cinco De Mayo party last May was the hottest superspreader event in town, leading to who knows how many Covid infections.

Have a Covid Tourism Adventure in Broken Arrow
From dude ranches and agrotourism to Civil War reenactments, Oklahoma is known for its historical tourism retreats and experiences! Instead of spending a couple hundred bucks to haul hay or watch grown men cosplay treason, drive to Broken Arrow to experience how people lived pre-pandemic. Observe in awe and wonder as you visit a city that appears untouched by time, as if the pandemic never happened. No masks. No worries.

Book a cabin in the Oklahoma wilderness
The pandemic has been financially rough for a lot of us. But thankfully (and cheaply) you can support a local Okie and live like one, too! Don’t let a hotel chain host you and instead opt for a night at an Air BnB. You can also enjoy an evening in the great outdoors. Whether you’re wanting to get to know the real Oklahoma or just put a little more distance between yourself and real Oklahomans until your antibodies build-up, there are many scenic campgrounds and rural abandoned trailers across the state to stay in for the full Oklahoma experience. Some even offer free castrations!

Visit the Cowboy Hall of Fame
Technically, the Cowboy Hall of Fame has had a new name for a while now, but we're suckers for the original. Either way, go to Oklahoma's adventure district to learn a white-washed version of the mythological western American heritage, and in the process, get an autograph from one of Oklahoma's biggest pandemic celebrities – Tom!

Take Advantage of the Free
Remember, it’s free to visit the State Capitol building! But also remember that you’re not free to visit without wearing a mask-unlike the lawmakers themselves.

Join a Sheriffs Posse
Dude ranches are so 1900s! Get a glimpse of what life's like working with an unregulated police force by joining a local volunteer posse! Although no law enforcement training or experience required, you will need to pass a secret test.

Go Facemaskless Shopping with Edmond Moms
Over the summer, a group of defiant Edmond moms created a club to coordinate Facemaskless grocery shopping excursions. Although their Facebook page is now deleted, I'm sure you can find them on some lesser-used social media outlet.

Watch Live Severe Weather Theatre
If you time your vaccine trip with the dryline and jet stream, you may be able to experience a thrilling night of Live! Severe Weather Theatre. Watch our weatherman, along with their calvaries of storm chasers, guide you on a thrilling live-action breakdown of deadly twisters as they dance their way through the Oklahoma horizon, and maybe even hit a town or two.

Get Artisanal Made in Oklahoma Antibodies
Why go through the hassle of making an appointment in a generic, sterile, medical professional-ran facility for COVID-19 immunity when you could collect your own, homegrown antibodies by attending a service at Victory Church? How’s that for Made in Oklahoma.

Train for next American Civil War
With America on the verge of collapse, spend a little time preparing for ways to hunt and destroy your fellow Americans with some Civil War training. Taught by an Edmond woman with amazing eyebrows, you'll learn exactly what to do when Joe Biden's lizard police come to your compound.

Get Some Souvenirs
Go back home with a “Vaccinated <3” sticker for yourself and 4 truck stop “Pet Tornado” souvenirs for your loved ones.-For the first time in a year Hayley ate at a real restaurant on a patio with other people. The experienced showed her she is feral. Follow her on twitter @squirrellygeek and become a contributing member of TLO here.