Last week, outgoing OKC City Councilmember James Greiner – a visionary leader who spent 13 years as a graphic designer for Hobby Lobby, and now works in marketing for Paycom – quietly sent a memo to Mayor Holt and the city council announcing that he would be introducing a heavy-handed anti-medical marijuana ordinance at today's OKC city council meeting.
If the ordinance is somehow adopted – which feels like a big "if" – it would have huge implications on the medical marijuana industry in our city.
Check out some of the bizarre details ripped straight from Greiner's proposal:

I guess some of that is semi-reasonable. Dispensaries and grow facilities should probably have decent ventilation systems. And even though most dispensaries have better security video systems than Ft. Knox, I guess surveillance systems should also be mandatory so we can get a better look at the burglars robbing them on the local news.
That being said, what reggie ditch weed is this tool smoking?
First of all, he wants to prohibit dispensary drive-thrus? Why? Last week, I literally went through drive-thrus at CVS to get amphetamines, Likewise to get cannabis, and On-Cue to get alcohol. At last check, nobody was harmed while I ran these errands that were 100% legal under state law.
Also, what's up with the proposed requirement that there be 1,000 feet between dispensaries??? Is he trying to sabotage the real estate market on NW 23rd, S. Western? Ironically enough, it would turn the "Medical Marijuana Green Mile" of OKC – N. May Ave. between N.W. 63rd and Britton – into the vast wasteland medical marijuana opponents predicted it would become if medical marijuana became legalized.
I've include links to the memo and proposed ordinance below.
If anything, this feels like a parting gift "F*ck you" from Greiner – a guy who spent 13 years designing "50% off Frames!" posters – and his conservative allies, who want to be dicks and limit your access to a legal medicine simply because it doesn't fit in their rigid, hypocritical beliefs and moral code.
And if there is a vote on it, I'm honestly not sure it would pass. 63% of voters in Oklahoma County voted yes on SQ 788, and I really doubt Holt and the ruling class wants to fire them up like a fatty. The medical marijuana industry has not only grown in size, but in money and power, too. Maybe that could be why the local ruling class is so against medical marijuana?