Last week, the Edmond City Council enacted a mask ordinance, but – thanks to a few elected covidiots pictured above – were unable to enact the ordinance as an emergency order, comically delaying its implementation for a month.
Here were the details via a Ryan "Oklahoma Rock" Lacroix article on KGOU:
On Monday evening, the City of Edmond passed a mask mandate by a vote of 3-2. But, it was one vote shy of passing as an emergency declaration, so it will not go into effect until August 26.
In casting one of the two votes against, Edmond Mayor Dan O'Neil said he wouldn't make it an emergency because he wanted time to make sure that the mandate is done right.
"I just sure hope that we're right on this thing and we're making the right choice, but gosh darn, I don't want to divide this community," O'Neil said.
The council will meet again next Monday, August 3 to discuss amending the ordinance.
Well, yesterday was Monday, August 3rd. Now that Mayor O'Neil has had the time to examine the issue and consult with city officials and health experts, he's obviously doing the right thing and voting for an emergency mask order to take effect immediately.
Of course not.
Via The Oklahoman:
After hearing feedback from some residents, Edmond City Council members voted Monday night to extend the city’s ordinance requiring citizens to wear masks in public by almost five weeks.
Council members voted 3-2 in favor of an amendment extending the city’s mask mandate until Oct. 12. The ordinance was originally set to expire Sept. 8. During the meeting, supporters and opponents of the amendment dialed in to the virtual meeting to discuss the mandate....
The Council passed the mask mandate in late July, but it won’t go into effect until Aug. 26. The panel hasn’t mustered the four votes needed to declare the ordinance an emergency, which would allow it to be implemented immediately. An ordinance goes into effect 30 days after passage unless declared an emergency.
Council members discussed whether they would consider extending the ordinance in the future. Mayor Dan O’Neil, who voted against Monday’s amendment, said each council member would have to decide individually whether to vote for an amendment in the future.
“We’ll look at the numbers when we see it and we’ll make our best judgment at that time,” O’Neil said. “I don’t think you can ask us to do anything else. We think that we will have some trend lines that are positive, but you never know, OK?”
Geez, I think we finally know why so many people voted for the dead guy in the last Edmond mayoral election! If it wasn't clear already, Edmond officially has a covidiot mayor who doesn't care about the health and safety of the olds who put him in office. Expect Kevin Stitt to name him the next state epidemiologist immediately.