Welcome back to Free Queso, the podcast where we give you the inside scoop on the Oklahoma City food, beverage, and hospitality scene!
This episode, we invited the lovely gentlemen from (TLO Sponsor Alert!) Anthem Brewing Company to the Bricktown Studios to talk all things craft beer:
Guests include... Brian Kippenburger, Head of Brewing Operations; Shaun Wright, Head Brewer; Derek Duty, Director of Sales & Marketing.
• Coming up through the brewing industry
• Laboratory science and quality control
• The Free Queso Fantasy Thanksgiving Dinner Draft
You can listen to us on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and other places coming soon. If you like what you hear, leave us a nice comment and a 5* rating, and follow us on the social meeds at @freequesopod on Twitter and @freequesopod on Instagram.