On this week's episode of The Lost Ogle Show, Representative Emily Virgin and TLO contributor Lucas Dunn stopped by TLO's bricktown Digital to chat with Marisa and Patrick. Here's what we talked about:
Emily Virgin taught Patrick that he didn't have to refer to her as "Madame Virgin."
Lucas discussed what it's like to be one of the "woke" TLO writers, and Patrick said woke enough for all you gentle listeners to turn it into a drinking game.
Emily discussed her early TLO fame
Marisa asked Emily the hard-hitting questions that all reps should be required to answer. The Mont's queso was brought up...
Patrick told the story of the time he saw Ralph Shortey and "sex workers" at a Super 8 Motel Nancy's Lighthouse...
This episode was produced by Chris Crockett and edited by Randy Mitchell. The introduction was recorded by the one and only Bricktown Rob.