Oklahoma is on the fast track to becoming a top 10 state for alcoholism!
Despite strong opposition from the "No Minors Allowed" sign and decal industry, Governor Stitt signed a bill this week that will allow people under the age of 21 to accompany their parent, guardian or older-sibling-who's-buying-alcohol-for-them inside a liquor store.
Here are the details via KFOR:
Legislation allowing accompanied minors in liquor stores has been signed into law.
House Bill 2325 would allow minors under 21 into liquor stores if they were accompanied by a parent or legal guardian of age.
“There is somewhat of a competitive disadvantage currently with packaged stores in that I can take my 14-year-old to the grocery store, and I could walk by a wine display and I could purchase a bottle of wine with her standing three feet from me,” Sen. Stephanie Bice said. “I could also walk down the refrigerated beer aisle and I could purchase a 6-pack should I choose to with her standing next to me, but she is not allowed to enter a retailed spirits establishment currently.”
Man, Stephanie Bice seems like a cool mom! She's letting her kids help choose wine at the grocery store like it's a box of cereal! I bet her kids are going to throw the best parties in high school.
I don't have a problem with this law, but it does come with some unintended consequences.
For example, today's Oklahoma kids aren't going to experience the fun and joy of being left in the car to mess with the radio, windshield wipers, air conditioner and cigarette lighter while their parents run inside the liquor store to get tequila for margaritas. That's how 78% of Oklahoma's learned to operate an automobile!
Also, when they turn 21, today's kids are not going to feel the joy and mystique of going inside a liquor store for the first time to purchase alcohol legally. That right of passage will now go the way of an alcoholic's liver.