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Aaron Tuttle teases “Potential White Christmas”

Although it's been bad news for some Internet publishers, one positive thing about the changes Facebook made to its all-powerful newsfeed algorithm in 2018 is that we get less apocalyptic Aaron Tuttle weather forecasts going viral across the Oklahoma City online echo chamber.

That being said, some sensational forecasts (that are really nothing more than wild guesses designed to get as many reactions, comments and shares as possible) still occasionally slip through the cracks. For example, on Sunday, December 16th –  a full nine days before Christmas – Aaron Tuttle and his muscly arms shared an article from his website on Facebook teasing a "First Look at a Potential White Christmas:

So by now you know there is a winter storm coming. Over the past few days I’ve been providing more details on the what, when, where aspect of it. I’m going to try something here and that is to get very specific 3-4 days out, which is stretching the science a bit in this event as I always caution 48 hours for specific details including snow or ice totals. So buyer beware, but here goes…

Oops! My bad. That's what Aaron wrote about the big, crippling, extreme weather event that occurred earlier this month. You know, the blustery ice blizzard that shutdown the entire state in some distant, alternate reality.

Although Aaron "always cautions 48 hours for specific details" regarding winter weather, here are the details of his potential white Christmas.

So for about a week there has been a storm signal around the Christmas holiday time frame. As we’re getting closer more models are jumping onto the idea. The question has been two-fold, which day, Sunday through Wednesday, and how cold will it be?

So what can I tell you today?

  1. We’re getting another storm system
  2. It looks to be a weak one, not overly strong
  3. There will be rain with it
  4. There are indications some snow will fall on the backside as well

So, I’m going to post a couple of outputs from various model solutions. The take home is that the signal is there. The details won’t be revealed for awhile. As you know, don’t even bother to ask about snow totals until we’re 48 hours out and even then, that changes typically into the day of the event.

Translation – I really have no clue when the alleged storm will arrive, how strong it will be, or what type of precipitation, if any, will occur, but who cares?! We may conceivably possibly maybe perhaps have a potential white Christmas, but don't hold me to it. Please like, share and donate to my Patreon today!!!

Okay... okay. I can't complain about Aaron too much. In all fairness, we're piggybacking on his forecast to get our own likes, shares and we-probably-need-to-set-up a Patreon donations. I guess the difference is that instead of pandering to people's weather hopes and ice fears in the name of cheap web traffic, our goal is to point out the irresponsible absurdity of a local Facebook weatherman teasing a white Christmas for cheap web traffic.

For example, check out the Accuweather forecast for Christmas:


Once again, I know long-range winter weather forecasts are unreliable, but Accuweather isn't showing any chance of precipitation for Christmas. I can't wait to read Aaron's next article about a "First Look at a Potential Mild, Sunny Christmas."

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