Yesterday afternoon, KOKH Fox 25 shared a "Consumer Watch" report about a recent ranking of the Top 20 Places to Work in Oklahoma.
Here's the gist:
A job you love at a high-paying and stable company sure sounds like a dream.
Job and career resource site Zippia says it wants to help you find the best job for your experience, and its list of the top 20 companies to work for in Oklahoma City could help you reach your career goals faster.
Zippia says it selected its top companies to work for based on three main factors, and to find those factors, they went right to the source.
“We went to talk to job seekers, and asked them what kind of things were important to them when considering a company,” says Drew Walters, Zippia marketing strategist.
Wait a second. I thought "Consumer Watch" reports were supposed to be about people who scammed consumers. You know, the tree trimming contractor who was paid in full but never finished the job, or the IRS robocall lottery scammer who targets old people who still answer the phone, or car dealerships using deceptive advertising to lure unsuspecting consumers. Hehe. Kidding about that last one.
As a sucker for Internet clickbait that's backed by questionable methodology, I went to Zippia to look at the full list. It included your typical mix of Oklahoma City employers, but one stuck out like a stale chicken wrap – The Oil Center Deli:

Yep, ranking ahead of local stalwarts like Hobby Lobby, Chesapeake Energy and Paycom is... the Oil Center Deli?
For those that don't know, The Oil Center Deli is a teeny-tiny eatery located at the bottom of the Oil Center twin office buildings near NW Expressway and N. May. I know this because I worked in the building in the early 2000s. Unless it's changed, it was the snack bar for office workers who craved a cup of Neighbor's coffee, greasy burger and a Hot Pocket, but couldn't afford Junior's for lunch. If it's the 10th Best Place to Work in Oklahoma, it may be time to shut the whole state down.
Anyway, the fact that an office building snack bar made a clickbait list of the Best Places to Work in Oklahoma shouldn't be a surprise. Those clickbait lists are total bullshit. Instead of passing it off as reputable to their viewers, maybe the KOKH 25 "Consumer Watch" team should warn people instead. I bet the deli has already received dozens of resumes from people wanting a job!