Back in January, we broke the story that Christina Fallin – a.k.a. Hipster Boo – was expecting her first child with some dude named Omar Khalil. In fact, we broke the story so fast that Omar's parents apparently learned about the pregnancy through us! That kind of made me feel bad, but on a positive note, how's that for some hard-hitting Oklahoma Internet tabloid action?! The Frontier should be jealous.
With the August 1 due date right around the corner – and some Ogle Moles telling us that the couple may have already eloped – Christina and Matt... errr... Eric... errr... Steven... errr... Omar were treated to a Moroccan-themed baby shower at the Governor's Mansion this past weekend.
I assume the guests were warned about sharing too many photos on social media due to the bad optics of a politician's kid (once again) using a publicly funded venue to host a glitzy private event, because we couldn't find any pics of the shower on social media. The only ones we were able to corral came from an Ogle Mole. They provided the pic above and these two photos of the food and decorations:

Wow. It looks like it was definitely a decorative and delicious affair! Good call on the Moroccan-themed stuff. I love Moroccan food (especially at Cous Cous), and I doubt too many Oklahomans are going to be offended by Christina appropriating Moroccan culture.
I really wanted to channel my inner Helen Ford Wallace and describe all the fancy details about the hosts, flowers, party favors, musical acts, fake tattoos, hair color theme and / or if anyone wore a Native American headdress, but just like the photos, that information has been more difficult to track down than Christina's old trailer.
Instead, I'd like to encourage everyone to check out Christina and Omar's baby shower registry on Amazon or Pottery Barn and send them a gift. I searched to see if they were registered at the Chanel Factory Outlet, but couldn't locate anything.
As a new parent myself, I know what it's like to be bombarded with tons of shower gifts, so I ordered them the one thing that they, and the baby, will treasure the most:

Whoever invented the sleepsack / swaddle should be remembered in history books.
Anyway, congrats again to Hipster Boo Boo and Omar. Being a new parent is stressful, but it's also awesome. Enjoy it.