These days, Oklahoma police departments seem to be struggling with maintaining a positive image. With the recent police involved shootings, left lane driving tickets, and the fact that your sister’s hot roommate chose to be a slutty nurse rather than a sexy cop at your Halloween party a couple of weeks ago, it has been hard for adults to have a positive outlook on the police, let alone teens. However, Colbert Police Chief David Peterson is trying to change that.
COLBERT, Okla. – The chief of an Oklahoma police department is apologizing for a social media post that has caused concern among members of the community.
A photo posted on social media appears to show Colbert Police Chief David Petersen flipping off the camera in his patrol car with two teenagers giving the same gesture.
Many residents of Colbert voiced disappointment in the chief’s actions seen in the photo above, mainly because they were jealous of the teens’ opportunity for a boss profile picture.
Chief Petersen told KTEN that he is sorry for his behavior, saying it was a mistake.
“I still should have acted more professional and not done it, and I apologize for doing it and I’m not gonna let it happen again,” he said.
He told KTEN that he was trying to improve the teenagers’ interaction with police officers after they said they hated cops.
Man, I feel like I missed out. The only way the Elk City cops ever tried to build rapport with me as a teenager was give me a DARE to be Drug Free lion sticker and promise to not tell my dad just how fast mom’s F250 could accelerate on Highway 6. But it sounds like the rest of Colbert’s teens will all be missing out, too…
“I am going to continue to conduct my duties, but I am going to start being more… watch my P’s and Q’s and be more professional and act the way I should act,” Petersen said.
City leaders say Petersen is not in jeopardy of losing his job, adding that they believe he is the right person for the job.
He won’t lose his job because he isn’t the most embarrassing thing to come out of Colbert, America this year…
The Colbert Police Department has been embattled in controversy after a previous chief was accused of having ties to neo-Nazi groups earlier this year.
At least the Colbert PD draws the line at Nazism.
Hayley was a cop’s kid in high school, so she didn’t get away with jack. Follow her on twitter @squirrellygeek