One of my rules in life is to never trust a man who looks like he cuts his own hair. It's why I never trusted Ralph Shortey, and it's why I don't trust religious pandering Oklahoma lawmakers like Ron Sharp and Dustin Roberts. They're two guys who have introduced legislation to make Good Friday a paid state holiday.
Via The Tulsa World:
Among measures heard by the House on Monday, a bill passed that would make Good Friday, the Friday before Easter Sunday, a designated paid state holiday.
House Bill 1444 passed by a vote of 69-24 and was opposed by 22 Republicans and two Democrats, according to a spokesman for the House. It now goes to the Senate for consideration.
Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.
That's great. Oklahoma can't afford to help its young, sick and poor, but hey, let's take an extra paid day off to celebrate Jesus and hunt Easter eggs. I'm sure Christ would totally be cool with that.
Once again, do Oklahoma lawmakers have no shame? Are they trying to win an award for hypocrisy? Instead of using the death of Christ to pander to religious zealots and get an extra three-day holiday weekend, maybe they should actually follow the word of his teachings. I know that will never happen, but it's worth throwing out there.