Here's some sad news for people who enjoy being ripped off.
According to a January meeting agenda from the Oklahoma Motor Vehicle Commision, David Stanley Chevrolet is apparently being sold. I think the final price was $88 down with low monthly payments. Here's a link.
The dealership, which is notorious for deceptive ads and questionable sales tactics that are vigilantly not reported by the local media, is being purchased by Landers Automotive. They were given the opportunity to buy the dealership after winning a game of musical chairs in the showroom.
With Landers purchasing the dealership, that means we're going to see Christmas ads that pander to alt-right Trump supporters replaced with the more traditional, cliché holiday advertising that we're used to. For example...
Yeah, I guess we should watch what we wish for. It's much more fun to be outraged by Derplahomans than put to sleep by a couple of Paul Bunyan wannabes from Arkansas. I'll take fancy green screen effects and deceptive messaging over that any day.
Anyway, I guess the sale is supposed to be finalized next week. According to dispatches via the Ogle Mole Network, this may not be the only Stanley dealership that is sold. Apparently the dealer's reputation is finally catching up with itself. We should thank Jesus for that.
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