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On a positive note, a least we'll be able to buy cold beer at grocery store in a year or two. Well, if there is a grocery store in a year or two.

That's a picture I took of Donald Trump in September 2015 when he brought his redneck freak show to the Great State Fair of Oklahoma. I shook his hand at the event, which means I'll have a pretty good story to tell all the other prisoners in the Russian labor camp.

Here's video. My commentary of "The apocalypse is upon us" seems relevant and fitting...

Here at the TLO Home Office, we're extremely hungover, tired, and still trying to wrap our heads around what the fuck actually happened last night, what it means for Oklahoma, Mary Fallin's political career, the downfall of society, and Carol Hefner's latest batch of imitation Olive Garden salad dressing.

While we do that, please share with us any comments, thoughts, or last words you may have about the election. We'll give our thoughts on it, break down the local elections and state questions, etc., and use a bunch of profanity either later today or tomorrow. Once again, WTF.

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