The guy pictured above is Matt Posgai (no relation to Aso Pogi). He's a back-up weatherman for Channel 4. He may also be Emily Sutton's limo driver. I'm honestly not sure.
You see, here at KFOR, they don't allow regular employees to mingle with the weather team all that much. The weather folks get their own private entrance, employee break room (with a new Keurig), helicopter and even get to hang out in Meg Alexander's old She-Shed. Hell, about the only time you see any weather department employee is when they hand deliver Linda Cavanaugh her own private weather forecast. She demands that it's always printed on 80# Classic Crest. Linda loves nice paper.
From what I've been reading in Abby Broyles's diary, Matt is a pretty good guy. He collects lizards, bottlecaps, and occasionally likes to dabble in edgy standup comedy. That probably explains his ill-advised attempt to make a joke about duck hunting following a story about a benefit concert for those two dudes who tragically died over Christmas while duck hunting:
Matt Posgai making a hilarious duck hunting joke....after a story about a benefit for someone dying.
Posted by Jarrod Douthit on Monday, January 18, 2016
Wow. I haven't heard a joke bomb that bad since the last time I watched Cameron Buchholtz perform stand up. You could feel Lacey Lett's glare eating his soul like it was an acorn. How does something like that happen?
Actually, Matt has a good excuse.
Before you get all outraged, write KFOR a letter and send Matt some hate tweets, keep in mind that weathermen don't really pay attention to what's going on at the anchor desk. They usually just lounge around the weather studio, sip on wine, and leave comments on Instagram. I bet Matt heard Lacey Lett mention "Duck Hunting" as he was walking to the green screen, and figured it would be a good time to break out the old duck hunter bit that he once successfully used to make a girl laugh at a bar in Lubbock in 2010. I seriously doubt he knew what the story was actually about. He can't be that dumb, can he?
Because I believe in second chances, forgiveness, and kind of want key card access to the KFOR She-Shed, I'd like to personally invite Matt to visit any of the open mics organized by OKC Comedy and give his duck hunting routine another try. He can be like "What's the deal with duck hunting? Have you seen these people..." and then bust out his impression. I'm sure it will get a laugh. When the audience stops roaring with laughter, he can say something like "Yeah. Duck Hunting?! I don't get it. Remember that Nintendo game where you'd shoot at the screen and the dog would laugh at you..." and then rattle off nostalgia-filled jokes about a game anyone over the age of 30 fondly remembers from childhood. I'm sure the performance will be successful, get some laughs, and best of all, won't offend or disrespect the friends, family members and colleagues of a couple of good guys who tragically passed away in an accident. See you soon, Matt. I'll be here all week.